Complete uniform for Leib Husaren Regt. Nr. 1


Not easy, with these Totenkopf.

Some were made end XIX and beginning XX centuries
Some are "Kammerstück" (I like very much)
Some are private purchase (i like less)
Some are sinc sixties till now... I do not like. Very !

And the question :
How can we make the difference ?
I am sure about Kammerstück.
But not about private purchases and copies
Not to try and hijack this beautiful post from Adler but just wanted to post my TK for comparison, I think mine is for a officer because of its design and both bones are not voided.

Indeed not easy... This is also not something I'm good in, but I always look at the total picture. When you see it doesn't match the helmet at all, just leave it...
I never bought loose parts, certainly when the parts are expensive... Otherwise one ends up with a box of parts and no helmet at the end... So I think there are other specialists who can answer these questions for you...

only a small mistake the "Fangschnur" is for an NOC and you need a Mannschaft Fangschnur .... But so wonderful !!!!!! I was glad to help you and to see you in Kassel....