Dienstmutze & Kratzen for Landsturm


New member
Does any one know if there were any special style of either of these types of head gear that were particular to Landsturm?

I saw a dienstmutze recently that was identified as a Prussian Landwehr mutze. The Prussian State cockade was black outer ring, center was a silver Landwehr Kreuz. Was there a similar set-up for the kratzen?

Was there a similar set-up for Landsturm? :dontknow:
All this Landsturm discussion has inspired me to rethink the way I look at pc's I have. When I first received these I thought that the kratzen cockades followed suit with pickelhaube cockades. I beleived these were Hanseatic.

Now I find myself wondering: Are these Landwehr Landsturm Kreuzer instead?

These fellas come from 2 different pc's. They all belonged to the IX Btn 28 Korps(?), am I understanding this correctly, Battalion Number over Korps Number?

Another question, The large Collar dogs, these stand for Brigade?

What year did they switch from Brigade to Btn?

One last question: Was the 11th Bavarian Regiment in the 28th Korps? If so, doesn't the guy in the third pic resemble a certain Bavarian poultry farmer? :D
You need to put all this in the landsturm headgear post I think! You have it backwards. I haven't gotten there yet in the posts. Based on responses not sure anyone cares! IX Korps, bn # 28.

2 Ldst-I-Ers.-Btl Hamburg. Yes Hansiatic.

What year did they switch from Brigade to Btn?
April 1915 in theory.

Was the 11th Bavarian Regiment in the 28th Korps?

No all backwards!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
I am going to put these in Landsturm Headgear when we get to Kratzen, just wanted to make sure I had my info squared away. 9th Korps, 28th Btn., so now I am intrigued, what reference did you use to get 2. Lndst. I. E. Btn. Hamburg? This is great, thanks for I.D.ing these chaps. Also clears up the Hanseatic Cockade.

OK, they switched from Brigade to Korps/ Btn collar dogs April 1915. Do you know when they removed the Korps Number? When they removed all collar dogs?

Does any one own one of this type of feldmutze with this style of cockade? Or even one of the cockades?

Based on responses not sure anyone cares! VR/Joe

Does anybody care :?:
Landsturm marching prisoners. 3 types of hats.

Sure, I have some of these cockades for the Krätzchen and the officer's visor. I have both the type with the Landwehr metal cross and the Hanseatisches versions. Always looking for more. :confused2:

Excellant! Sure, I'll give it a shot. :-k

Top row: Hanseatic cities, Bavarian Reserve, Prussian Landwehr

Second row: Saxon Landwehr, Baden Reserve, Prussian Reserve,
Hesse Res

Third Row: Prussian Landwehr

Don't laugh too hard, so how'd I do? :oops:

Thanks for the post.
This is potentially a good sized collection, as there were officer, enlisted sew-on and enlisted/NCO brad backed versions, with and without the Landwehr cross. You did well, except for the Bavarian reserve Landwehr/Reserve officer, which you called Prussian because you thought the backing color was black and the last one which is green and is for the Landwehr/Reserve of the Saxon dukedoms.

I have been picking these up over the years and not really pursuing them seriously. They are nice and reasonably cheap when you find them. If anybody has some hanging around that they would want to sell.......
