Dutch Carabinier / cuirassier helmet


As the french and Belguim helmets are already posted on the forum ist time fore the Dutch :army:

If any of you have or know a Dutch example for sale please let me know

This is a very early Dutch example ( chinstrap is not the correct one and the hair is a replacement ) and nicely dated

J.LeBrasseur said:
I love it, amazing how similar to the Belgian it is!


yes it's a beauty , and Belguim was Holland before 1830 / 31.
The Belguim helmet is almost exectly the same as de Dutch one. The differents is in the lionshead...
joerookery said:
This forum is getting more wonderful all the time![/If this is your helmet, it must not be very difficult to obtain or make the correct chinscales .
Wonderful helmet, is it yours ?quote]