EGRzuFus EM Mitre with Semper Talis banner

A few months ago Chris Moran wrote into the forum asking for information about German Headgear. He told us about an unbelievable find that he had stumbled across. Some fraternal lodge in Scotland had a collection of headgear that they wanted to get rid of, and he picked it up. He described some Mitres and some other possible items. There was some skepticism voiced by some members and some unfortunate emails were exchanged. Mr. Moran has gotten rid of all of his items, and I was able to purchase the following mitre from the new owner. I want to share some photos of the mitre and at Mr. Moran’s request assure you all, that he is not a liar. He really did have the mitres, and from the photos I’ve seen and the one I bought, they are very nice.
If any of you are interested in pursuing the other items, you can contact the new owner, Chris Rattray at:[email protected].
Good luck!






Congratulations Jim! That's the nicest condition enlisted mitre I've ever seen! I'm glad that it worked out for you! =D> :salute:

All the Best,

I can only agree with Mr. Turinetti on this item. Recently, I have been trading helmets with Mr. Chris Rattray, the owner of these splendid mitres. From my experience, I can assure anyone that not only is Mr. Rattray a very experienced collector with a vast and undisputed knowlegde, but also trustworthy and honest in his sayings and in what he does, not so very common these days...
It is a pleasure trading with Mr. Rattray and it is also a pitty that not more people have the same attitude, it would make live and collecting much easier.

Johan, Belgium