Eric Johansson- Pickelhauben 1982


Staff member
Another one of the more dubious "Must Have" references of the 1990's was this book by Dr. Eric Johansson (1982). Pictures are of poor quality although coloured and there are mistakes in the descriptions. However, as a young collector in 1989 (that's when I bought it) starting off, looking for references in English this was an important book. It had pictures of helmets that I did not know even existed, I had no computer, I did not even know that some of the information was incorrect. Yes, it was a "Dark Time" for collectors before the internet!

These volumes were numbered and signed by the good Doctor. Mine is #1173, he had a connection with a firm called The House of Swords at this time who make a request on one of the intro pages to purchase Nazi militaria. I believe they were involved in the publication, as they were based in Missouri and Johansson was in Kansas City at this time. There are older American collectors who know more about this than I. Dr J. ended up working for Manions Auction House as an "Expert" in their Hauben Section. He is no longer with us.