Female Hussar Rusia??


Who can be in this photo? Picture taken in the late 19 th century in Russia (Odessa). This is a sham or not? . I was told that it could be Saxon duchess. ???

I was sent that picture earlier. My opinion was that it was not Russian but looked rather saxon. I cannot say if it is a duchess or just some middle-class individual who had a picture taken. it actually could be a Russian that had some connection to a Saxon unit–
Hey Joe, I do not think it could be Saxon, as it has the Romanov cockade above the Wappen. I would bet it is Russian.
Plus, that is not some woman throwing on an Attila and Busby for a gag photo, she is wearing the correct women's long Husaren dress with cords. So that is her ceremonial uniform.
I think It is something from countries what was under Russian jurisdiction. Balkans, Bessarabia, Poland or something else.....