Fix the hole


Active member
I got this Baden Pickelhaube.
Unfortunately there is a hole in the front. There was a modern rivet in it.
I'm thinking about how best to proceed with a restoration here. Maybe you can help me.

Best regards
The fix:
Cut out a small circular patch of thin leather and glue it over the hole on the inside of the shell.
Cut out a circular plug of thicker leather and glue it into the hole on the outside. Dye/colour it black before gluing. Aim for as tight a fit as possible.
Fill in by applying multiple coats of shellac formula. This formula can be found in the restoration section. The shellac is a very thin liquid so this is going to be a slow process but eventually everything will be filled in and smoothed over. This is essentially how the Germans solved this problem.
Great advice Brian, I have a nice officer's helmet that has a round hole near the edge of the wappen that I wish to cover. Im not versed in restoration but that seems doable for me. I need to find some leather stock and determine how best to make the plug match the helmet.
Great advice Brian, I have a nice officer's helmet that has a round hole near the edge of the wappen that I wish to cover. Im not versed in restoration but that seems doable for me. I need to find some leather stock and determine how best to make the plug match the helmet.
I think these tools will do the job in selecting the size needed. They can be found on internet, in various sizes, for stamping out the leather in the diameter you need them to be.
I think they also can be found in the US.
I think these tools will do the job in selecting the size needed. They can be found on internet, in various sizes, for stamping out the leather in the diameter you need them to be.
I think they also can be found in the US.
Great idea Coert. You can make the irregular hole in the helmet perfectly round and then punch out a plug that will be a tight fit from the replacement leather.

But a bit tricky near the stitching line on the helmet. Nevertheless a good way to punch out a plug from the replacement leather.
I think these tools will do the job in selecting the size needed. They can be found on internet, in various sizes, for stamping out the leather in the diameter you need them to be.
I think they also can be found in the US.
Now that you mention it, I recall my dad having these when I was a kid. I wonder if he still has those punches.