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http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-PRUSSIAN-HELMET-WW1-AND-PARTIAL-OUTFIT-STUNNING-COLLECTION-/172829517628" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;?
Prussian from the research he's done. Which proves his research is terrible and he doesn't really know much, so might not know how to even answer questions... but an 'I don't know' reply would suffice.

:D Ron
Well, he got 3K$ for it and as a "Sports Card" guy, I am sure he is laughing all the way to the bank. Some civilian who had no clue as to value walked into his clutches and no doubt got taken. Such is life....?
"Taken"? How so? Issued Parade Plastron $300, very rare Rabatte $1000+, Fangschnurr $700+, and Epauletten $300+ all perfect originals, so that bodes very well for the Tschapka being correct just tarnished. Appears to be a private purchase example with the 120mm Wappen not the small 90mm Wappen, but that can be absolutely correct. So only about $700 invested in that Tschapka. I think it was a bargain and almost bought it myself.
I am confused here T, with your response..... Sport Card guy was not taken. I feel that the civilian who walked into his store or contacted him via Craig's list got taken. How does Sports Guy end up with these Imperial pieces?? However, SG could be a collector simply selling off some stuff. We will never know.
Ah. Sorry, never underestimate my ability to misinterpret. I thought you meant the guy who bought it got taken. The original owner, as you said, quite possible. :cry: