Fort Douglas Museum


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Staff member

Following Otto's instructions, I have posted a photo provided to me by Ren Willie and the Fort Douglas Museum (I forgat my camera). Displayed are German, Austrian, Russian, Canadian, US, French, Belgian and Italian impressions.
Did you donate the mannequins, uniforms, accessories and weapons to the museum? I am also accepting donations.

PS> What means danged?
Hi Otto:

"Danged" is the type of slang linguists refer to as word circumlocution. Danged or darned are non profane alternatives to damned. Shucks or shoot = sh*t, etc. Jeepers Creepers = Jesus Christ. A lot of these phrases are arcane and not used much anymore.

W.C. Fields was a master of creating his own word circumlocution and when he muttered something like "Godfrey Daniels" it sounded almost exactly like God D**n.

Son of a biscuit; it can be confusing.

Chas. :lol:
Sunny Beaches Chas, are you implying I use arcane language? If so, then I would be doing a disservice to Otto and other non-English speaking people. I might add, in this community "dang" is very strong language.

Otto, Many people asked if the disply was staying at the museum, they all seemed disappointed when I told them No. This is one few museums that I feel real good about, but the thought of a collection being taken out of the private area still worries me.
I didn't understand well, it's your display,part of your collection, but is it kept at the museum, is this?
I didn't understand well, it's your display,part of your collection, but is it kept at the museum, is this?

Hi Otto,
It is my diplay, it is at the mueseum one day each year, It is at my house the remainder of the year. Each year in October, Fort Douglas celebrates the founding of the fort 143 years ago.
Best wishes
H i G u s,
T h a n k y o u f o r t h e l i g h t e x p l a n a t i o n . . .
N o w i t w a s e a s y t o u n d e r s t a n d !

:lol: TT :lol:
Hi Geo and Tony,
I have been slow to post photos for two reasons, one, my photos are mostly all on my other computer, I am lazy and I am not too bright. Ok, so that is three reasons, did I mantion that I am not too bright? I tried Ottos suggestion for posting photos and it works, thanks Otto. I can not believe that you are impressed Tony. compared to your collection, mine is pretty poor, but it grows nearly daily (but don't tell Maggie)
Best wishes
Gustaf said:
//compared to your collection, mine is pretty poor//

I disagree. I believe that volume and quality are not necessarily correlated. It appears that you have a marvelous collection very representative of the Great war. Well done.
Thanks Tony,
I have been getting a lot of complements from members of the forum, and coming from all the great collectors it is beginning to make my head swell. Last week I could wear my size 54 M1915, but now my size 59 Mutze is getting tight.
PS Maggie says that I have to fill in the gaps before I can start another country, it is the little fiddly bits like spoons and such.
Hi Gus:

I certainly share Tony's high opinion of your collection. Trousers and boots and personal equipment are difficult to come by.

Is that the Italian "Adrian" you found at the SOS last February?

Hi Chas,
Yes, that is the Italian Adrian I got at SOS. I need to qualify the display, trousers and boot are very difficult to find, and there are a few cheats in the display. The French and Belgian are wearing French M1917 boots that are dated 1953, the Belgian is wearing a pair of US summer weight trousers (actually corect as many photos show this, Belgium had no industry left after the first few weeks of war, the M1889 carbine was made in England with tools and people evacuated) , The Italian has repro trousrs (they cast as much as an original, but when a real pair was available, I did not have a tunic), The Canadian is wearing a pair of ammo boots dated 1953 (any thiing dated before 1954 has got to be very old), The russian is wearing repro trousers and post war (WWII) Russian boots the ammo pouches are also repro until I can get an original pair, and the German has Swedish trousers (you can not see them under the Mantel) and what were sold as German boots, but as they have external heel reinforcement, they are no doubt post war Czech fireman's boots.
So, now that you have all the skinny*, am I demoted to ragpicker again?
* for Otto skinny means information
Dag nab it Otto,
I keep using terms that are hard for you, I am sorry.
"fill in the gaps"
This means to aquire the items that I do not have, that go with the items I do have. A gap is a hole.
Best wihses
PS Dag nab it is another term for dang. This should make your translator smoke.
Gus- great stuff! I complement you on the detail etc.

As far as the holes to fill, that is all part of the fun of collecting, if we had it all right away, we would have to find another hobby.

Amazing stuff, thanks againf or sharing

Fantastic, Gus!

One question, though: Do you live in Florida? You said something about "sunny beaches"? :wink:
