GdC - who beat me to this one

Everyone, its more expensive, but heres another shot.
This is an odd one to me. Curious as to other opinions on the wappen - no motto, but also no reserve cross I can see. And I'd expect white enameling behind the "Suum Cuique" ring for an officer, but the laurel wreath is nicely enameled. High-end eigentum for a senior NCO maybe? Haven't seen enough of these in person to say - a very intriguing piece.
I took notice at the lack of the white enamel, and the lack of a Motto, however I would assume that is where he gets the notation of "Reserve" from. However you may be right to say a senior NCO, nonetheless, it still makes me wish I had a spare $13,000 that wasn't doing anything else important.
I got beat out by someone and I tried like heck to be online when uodated. All I can say is work gets in the way too often for me to grab up good stuff.
Love the way this one looks

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Sorry you missed this one Charles. Of course it wasn't me who got it, as it is far outside of my affordability realm. I like to joke and say that I am a "bottom feeder" who simply takes what I can get by finding things out of the woodwork, often times with families who still have helmets and other military related items.

Unfortunately, one has to work in order to be able to spend the 4-5 figure cost required in today's market world to collect high end stuff like this.

I sincerely admire and give a big "thumbs up" to all who can afford to collect these items.

Sometimes the listings open up earlier than the anticipated time as well, which makes it tough to catch the exact moment a helmet comes available.

Again, sorry you missed out on this one.

Best wishes,

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I’m tapped out for a while.

I don’t think I’ll ever find a CdC offficer that I can afford. A well used damaged example maybe but….

I’m on the sidelines for a while.
Square retainer nuts for the eagle's feet under the clover base? That's a first for me.
I always thought they used nuts and soldered them in place. Im absolutely no expert on these. Maybe someone will shows their example.
I’m tapped out for a while.

I don’t think I’ll ever find a CdC offficer that I can afford. A well used damaged example maybe but….

I’m on the sidelines for a while.
We all get that that way from time to time
sometimes I say it is like Morton Salt
"When it rains , it pours " !
I agree with Jeff, there should be white enamel behind the “SUUM CUIQUE” with the addition of the reserve cross, but this plate has no indication that it ever had one. Also the plate looks to be off center on the helmet?
Hi Amy, again congratulations on your latest purchase (y)

Just curious are you going to leave it as is or give it a shine?