Granpas Gaede helmet

Ah just to bury it takes to long just add salt ,just like mom made. Is it just me or are repops being floggrd as real to often know?
Mark :-x
P.S. Idon't mind copies as long as they say copies.
It is easy (at least possible) to distinguish copies with leather parts, liners, or painted surfaces. But a simple part of rusty steel would require a metalurgic analysis.

Of course you wont get so much for a surface rusted part, but considerably more than a copy costs. I will be watching this one just for the heck.
Of course it's not easy to say if it's a copy or not. The model is different from those I know... but... What do you really think about it?
Sorry I have no idea about these .I don't collect them or any add on Armour.
I have seen a few photo's of these in black and white but nothing diffiniyive.