Happy Birthday Diego


Well-known member
Staff member
hey Diego, have a great day for your birthday, Otto should be the first to post birthday greetings, but since he was on-line 30 time on Christmas, I think it will be after new years before Maysa will let him have time on the computer (Maggie is out feeding cows, or I would not be able to post).
Happy Birthday
Hi Diego,
Happy Birthday!
It's easy to Gus be the first to greetings because he is living now in the forum. Maggie was put him out of the house, she said that Gus spend more time with the forum than with she :D
Otto, this is very true... :cry: Gus has sent me out of the house to do HIS chores while he sits comfortably at the computer...with cup of tea that I have brewed for him...sending messages to all of you. I am thinking of getting an automatic tea brewer and leaving him.

Hi Maggie,
Don't leave him, in to the deep, he is a good man...sometimes he is a litlle nuts, but not dangerous... :D
You are correct Otto, I must not leave Gus, it would be too harsh a punishment on the rest of the world if I were to turn him loose. I will try to keep him in restraints for as long as I can stand it. Your encouragement helps....
Hi Folks!

I’m glad that you remember my birthday. So, thanks! In January I’ll go back to the forum and show you some new items of my collection. I have some new medal bars and I would like to present them to everybody.

See you later!


PS – Gustaf, I need to ask you one thing. Where is my gift? Otto said me that you’ll give me a nice Kürassier helmet…
Hi Diego,
Otto is right, but to save on shipping and customs tax, I will give you the Kurassier's Helmet that Otto gave me for my birthday, I think it is a Lachmann!
Best wishes