
New member

The big thing of the life it is to look back and to feel pride of your history.
The great throw is to live every moment as if the revenue of the happiness will be HERE and the NOW.
Of course life have bad moments. It is logical that, per times, the tire holes, it rains too much... but, only thinks: does it have grace to live without laughing of laughing heartily at least once a day?
Does it have sense to be bothered during all the day because of a discussion in the departure for work? I want to live well...
2005 were a full year...
It was full of good things and accomplishments, but also full of problems and disillusions.
It is sometimes waited too much of the people.
The money that didn't come, the friend that disappointed, the love that ended.
2006 won't be different...

Does it change the century, the millennium it changes, but is the man full of imperfections, does the nature have your personality that not always it is the one what we want, but and there? To do the something? To end with your day? With your good mood? With your hope?
The one that I want for all of us is wisdom!
And that all know how to transform everything in a good experience!
That all get to forgive the stranger, the badly educated. He passed in your life. It cannot be responsible for a bad day...
To understand the friend that doesn't deserve our best part. If he disappointed, pass him for the friends' category 3. Or change him of class, transform him in a colleague. Besides, us, probably, it also already disappointed somebody.
Our desire if it didn't accomplish? Beauty, it was not the hour, it should not be the best thing for that moment (I always remember a throw that I adore: CARE WITH YOUR DESIRES, THEY CAN BECOME REALITY.
To cry of pain, of solitude, of sadness, it is the human being part. You doesn't advance to struggle against that. But if we understand each other and we allows to look the other and the world with generosity, the things are different.
I want for everybody that special glance.
2006 can be a year special, very cool, if we understand our fragilities and selfishness and we give the turn in that. We are weak, but we can get better. We are selfish, but we can understand the other.
2006 can be the best, the maximum, wonderful, beautiful, spectacular...
It can be pure pride!
It depends on me and of you!
It can be.
And that is!!!
Happy to look new!!! Happy New Year!!!

I'm not embarased to tell that: " I love you all"

8) TT :cool:
Happy New Year to you too Otto, and everyone else, We all love you to Otto, but now we are just getting weird.
Best wihses

Happy New Year! Otto is very weird, but like him I love you too!!!!

