Haube event in my town


New member
Hi all,
after being away for some time I am dropping by again with a few pictures of a beat up M15 (in the helmet section) and of an event in my home town. This year we celebrated our 1000th anniversary with a three day medieval market and a historic parade depicting the various ages.

I took part in a group from the shooting club and we dressed as 19th century countryside policemen (Gendarmerie) because there used to be a small Gendarmerie station in town. Of course it was my job to organize the helmets. I figured that historic accuracy would not really be required so I stuck to military versions and built them with new leather shells and as many original parts as the budged allowed (nobody else probably noticed the details anyway). The coachman got a Raupenhelm with the white bush of the Chevaulegers.

This was a really nice event and quite a lot of work too. The town only has 1.200 inhabitants, so almost everybody was involved somewhere.

Here are more pictures:
The market
Our wagon

and that's us..



Hi Robert,

It's great to see you back on here!

Looks like everyone had a lot of great fun! You did a great job getting the helmets assembled, and the uniforms look excellent too. =D>

I enjoy seeing the forest and mountains, it looks like you live in a very beautiful area.

Best Regards,

i don't think is is nbr 4 :D
my huntch is the middle one
he apears on the second foto again
or he has a twin brother that is also a possibilaty

I'm the third from left :D

We are located close by the foothills of the Alps, 40km south of Munich. The town's name is Schaftlach, or Scaftloh in medieval times which meant "forest at the marshland". The town was probably founded in the 8th century but there are no records from that time. In our area the first mentioning in a surviving document is used as anniversary date. In 1015 a man from the town made a donation to a nearby monastery and the monks wrote it down (in fact monks were pretty much the only people who could read and write back then) so that's the date we use.

Nice place. It would be interesting to visit Alps. This year I was in Tatry and fell in love with this place!
That is very cool Robert, congratulations on helping to stage the event in your town! :thumb up: