Hello from FRANCE


Well-known member

My name is Lawrence, just the France and I am passionate about the pickelhaubes model 1895...

My favorite regiment is the IR95 and my favorite land Baden...

Thank you for welcoming me here...

Kind regards
Bienvenue Laurent!

Lots of friendly collectors here that I learn from every day! :army:
Just beware of a certain fellow that goes by the name of G*s*u and his notorious truck... apart from that; you'll be fine! :D
Hello Lauwrence-Jupiter

Welcome !

I hope you will let see us rmany beautiful photos about JR 95 and Baden.
Welcome on this respectable and smart forum, Jupiter! :wave:
Enjoy the difference! :iconbiggrin:
Welcome Lawrence: I have already enjoyed your post on JR95 items. Thank you for joining us. Regards, Brian
Welcome Lawrence!

I was in Paris for a month earlier this year, and while I didn't find any pickelhauben for sale to bring home as souveniers, it was a wonderful wonderful trip. I am now a confirmed Francophile!