Help Please Picklehaube ID

Now, as pointed out by Lost Skeleton, there is no direct correlation between the Fuerst plate and these markings; although... "Fuerst regiments" contributed men to Landwehr/Reserve regiments 32 and 71 (all belonging to the XIth Armee Korps).

I have listed these contributions below (after Larcade):

- Reuss: JR96 (2nd Batl)
RJR32 (Ist Batl)
LJR71 (3rd Batl)
- Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha: JR95 (1st and 3rd Batls)
RJR71(1st Batl)
- Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach : JR94
LJR32 (3rd Batl)
- Schwarzburg-Sonderhausen: JR71 (1st Batl)
LJR71 (part)
- Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt: JR96 (3rd Batl)
RJR32 (1st Batl)
LJR71 (part of 3rd Batl)

This does not explain why a Sachsen-Weimar reservist helmet would bear both IR32 and LJR71 stamps though (and no JR94). Any hint from someone?...
My two cents as to how the holes were made (From my metal smithing experiences).

The bottom two on the breast have a burr on both the inside and outside. To my knowledge only a drill bit will do this. The top one looks as if it was done with a hand punch (for example, a brand name would be Pexto Punch, or the copies Micro-Mark sells), since it has a die mark as well as the flange or burr inside from the punch breaking the metal.

Does any of this really matter? I guess not... just something to add.

:D Ron.
I would like to see photos of Brunos sachen-weimar helmet, very intresting any on the site if so where, or could Bruno post some.
Thanks Bob
Welcome to my endless trek! Which unit had which helmet plate. It is very easy to find references for the active units–they do not always make sense to me but you can be assured and reassured by several references. As explained in the handbook all of these guys were part of the Prussian army. There were some piece parts that were governed in part by the leaders of the states based on the original agreements with Prussia mostly made after the 1866 war. Two quick examples of things that did not work out right–or at least easy includes JR 32. JR 32 was based in the city of Meiningen. clearly a Thüringisches city but no special Wappen. the other great example is JR 31 which bears the title Thüringisches, but it was based on an old stationing.

RJR 71 had three different cities of formation. Two of them are Prussian and one of them was from the same city as JR 32. Which Wappen did they wear? Why does Bruno's have the same Wappen as JR 94 not JR 95??

There are two potential answers and neither of them satisfy. It could be that the Bizirkscommando was co-located and stocked helmets. That does not compute cleanly because there are these headquarters in every one of the formation cities. The other potential answer is that somehow JR 32 became responsible for the training of RJR 71 and provided helmets. This does not make sense but I do not have any training orders that dismiss this out of hand.

So that is a very long ramble about I don't know exactly who is on first base but in all cases some sort of specialty Wappen was certainly possible in this instance. :lol: :scratch: :scratch: :read2: :read2: :read2:

PS. Bob, if you have no objections I will use some of the pictures of your markings on our lists. Thank you.
Even Joe's erudition falls short of providing a solution to the enigma... Thank you much for the comments and hypotheses anyway!
I cannot resume access to my Photobucket account. I am sure this helmet has been shown on the forum but in what thread?... At least the R32 stamp should be in Joe's catalog of markings.
Thanks Guys for your help, but the helmet needs to go for sale either a good home or project. ( At present helmet listed on this site for sale Best Offers)
Bob Jones

I think I have the answer .... :-k

- I R.32 does not mean JR32 but 1st Bataillon RJR32, you know sometimes reserve regiment are marked just like that : R32 instead of the full mark RJR32 ..... and IB RJR32 is Reuss (at least for 2 of the 3 companies of that bataillon)


- IB RJR 71 is also probably Reuss, even if that's no 100% clear from the documentation, we have some infos coming for instance from personal tags, which show that soldiers incorporated in the IB RJR71 were from Reuss,

now, this would mean that the helmet was attributed to a first then a second reserve regiment, that is not very common but it's possible,

it would be interesting to know when the RJR71 was created, if that's between 1900 and 1914, we could have the answer

this would explain why the helmet bears a Fur Fuerst plate,

hope this helps


RIR 71 was formed on 2 August 1914.

I./RIR 71 was formed in Meiningen by IR 32.

Thanks a lot but I suppose you are talking about the mobilization of this reserve unit ...

My question was : when was this reserve unit created in the chart of the German imperial army ?

You understand what I mean : you first create a reserve unit on the paper and you make it real the day of the mobilization....

When I say that you create it on paper . That's not totally true ! You need to create the storage for all the equipment and weaponry needed

Thanks again for your help :)
Just checked the division to which belonged the RJR71 at the mobilization :
- reserve division 22
- reserve infantry brigade 43 with RJR 71 and 94
- reserve infantry brigade 44 with RJR32 and RJR82

So RJR32 and RJR71 belonged to the same division

The 4 reserve infantry regiments were formed from small states contingents :
Reuss, Schwarburg, Saxe Coburg Gotha, Saxe Thuringen and Weimar Eisenach,

So .... Could be Reuss !