Hi you Chaps!



Hi you guy's. I've been out of the loop for a while for one reason and another but it's good to see it's business as usual on this great site.
I hope you are all well and the collections are burgeoning.
I have a lot to catch up on now so see ya later.

Cheers all!

Mike. :)
Spikey Mikey hearing your voice is good for this old-timer. Now so much for the artistic crap. Where the heck have you been? We have really really missed you.

Now, you need to get with the program. The old site disappeared due to a hacker and Brian and Margo give us this new site. The old threads have disappeared, and you absolutely must reregister otherwise you will always be a guest something you are far from. We have a couple of other members who have registration problems from time to time. Bruno forgets to logon. But come back, Little Sheba and start posting!
Hi Mike:

Welcome Back! I've missed you too. I have a new e-mail address which I will forward to you in a PM.

Hey Mikey is back, Getting the forum hacked was a right steamer (new world definition). Welcome back
Thanks for the welcome back Guy's - I've missed you too!
I can't believe the old site is gone, I'm shattered - what happened? All that great stuff gone - it's terrible - all that priceless info, not to mention Margo and Brian's hard graft on it. A real shame.
I actually got a computer now so WHEN I finally work out how to hook up to the web I can start learning about Pickelhaubes again and enjoying the new site. Also a camera - so I can send you pictures of my amazing collection. Not really. :wink: