Horrors! Another "Original"



Hoo Boy:

Robbing Hood of Nottingham strikes again. Luv them hex nuts!


"Built up" is right. Where does one find an emoticon barfing?

epsomgreen said:
Robbing Hood of Nottingham strikes again.

"Built up" is right. Where does one find an emoticon barfing?


I think he's more like a "Robbing Bastard" instead of Robin Hood, at least he would give to the poor.

Just for you Chas .. a nice little emoticon

That's a work of true genius, Mike. I like the detailing, - the expression on his face is ace. We should use 'Billy Barfe' to flag up all these spurious e-bay bargain merchants. Can we get Margo to add it to the emo menu I wonder? You should email it to the seller! ".... and this weeks Pickelhaubes.com puke-ola award goes to......" :twisted:
Chas - you've really started something here!
spikeymikey said:
'Billy Barfe'

Or, we might call him "Ralph" (American pronunciation, not as in safe).

Thank you Mr. 'Uxley. That rules!

Chas. :lol:
Theres some real symbolism going on here with Ralph n' Hughy. Cant wait to show my Wife this when she gets home tonight.

Hi Otto, I saw this motley pair a while back. I love the 'spike' on the Bavarian - is it rolled tinfoil or what? God help anyone who buys this lot.
Otto, how's the Lachmann looking these days?