Huge auction on eBay


New member
Some of you may have already seen this, but just in case..........

Herman Historica of Munich has put their latest auction (over 4,000 items) on eBay! :eek:ccasion5:

Here's a link to just one of the haubes on there

There's haubes, uniforms, medals, swords, you name it, it's there. Of course the PRICES are also there!!! :eek:
Speculation is that prices will be good. Cherry picking will consume many euros. Thanks for posting this!
i didn't kow it was on ebay.
There are some great helmets on this auction, the kind of deal where us average joe's nneed to pick one or two and go for it!

Buyers premium is high, but again these are nice helmets

Good luck

Hey James, there is nothing average about Joe, don't get me started on buyer's premiums.
Ok I'm dumb. When EXactly is the auction? 2 May is the date. Time 1 PST. Central adds +2. So is it 0300 central time or 1500 Central time? I'm running out of fingers and toes. :(
Hi Folks,
I'm new to pickelhaube collecting and have been lurking here admiring the large wealth of knowledge for some time. The comments/advice you guys contribute to others has increased my buying confidence a lot. I'm hoping to make my first haube purchase possibly from this auction and was wondering what the crowd has to say about these two:

Both are within my price range even with the buyers premium. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Jan- welcome to the group! Both appear to be very nice helmets, I do nto think you would go wrong with either one!

The Landwherkavallerie has a gilt cross not the usual silver, and a motto scroll. Also, the cockade seems to be red/white/ gold to me but maybe it's the photo?

Will they supply more photograph's on request?
Dragoner pickelhaube from Baden: then the 20th, 21st, or 22nd Drag Regts.

In my opinion, all of them have white metal/silver garnement and brass convex chinscales from 1868 to 1914...????

I agree with spikeymikey: the landwehr cross should be silver and without motto on the Wappen.

Maybe I am wrong, but I don't like this one.

Look at Tony's website (Kaiserbunker)!!!!

Jan! Jmp in. Only way to really learn! I don't think it is a feldwebel helmet. More like Fähnriche. While a feldwebel could have a similar helmet I don't think the pearlring or spike rings would be worn by one. All the Fähnrich had to do was add stars on commissioning. Nice looking but my kingdom for more pictures. M15 style officer type rosettes.

On the cavalry one I don't get excited about the color cross or bandeaux but Mikey is right. What I do not like is the missing pieces with no photo. Might be hard to "fix".

John M and others have told me that these auctions are often undersubscribed and there may be some bargains just based the sheer size of the offering.

Jump in --- get a helmet --- give in to the dark side. :hello1:
The dark side is strong, I feel myself unable to resist! Really though, thanks for the input. I've wanted a haube since I was a kid. Long ago my grandmother showed me a picture(now lost) of two of her brothers in German service wearing haubes and I've wanted atleast one since. Like Joerookery says, time to "jump in". I've asked for more pics but have'nt heard back yet. I'll take a look back at the auction for some more potentials.
I don't know how much information HH. supply on these pieces but some things on some of these don't look quite right to me. For instance:

This looks overall like a really nice helmet to me. But that Garde Star, it's shape, colour and detail and the way it's mounted bother me slightly. I know a lot of these were issued without the star and I guess it's fair game to stick one on there, but some helmets in this auction have small scruples that would worry me a little. If a detail you can see is wrong, what might be wrong when you get the whole story. But maybe I'm being too picky?

I dont want to put anyone off and I'm not bidding anyway but I'd want to see some more photographs all the same.
Well, the Söllner Collection has now been auctioned off. If I actually got everything at my high bid, my wife will kill me. There may be an estate sale coming up. [-o<
Tony & Kaiser said:
Well, the Söllner Collection has now been auctioned off. If I actually got everything at my high bid, my wife will kill me. There may be an estate sale coming up. [-o<

Congrats.. I had a hard time keeping my hands in my pocket during the auction... :cry: :cry:
Well I got up at 3:00 a.m. for day two of the HH auction, and should have stayed in bed!

Every helmet I bid on I got Crushed on! I put in very fair bids, and in most cases I was about 1/2 of what they went for! Floor bidders killed me, they must have seen somthing I did not?

I did get a nice set of 2 Reserve Flasks for my collection at a very fair price, even with the commission.

Welcome to haube collecting .Get a Haube ,let the frce fall into darkness , Gus is your father ,Take you time get one you like. Unlike me who is to darn impulsive.
Zipperheads9 :munky2: