International Money Orders


New member
I am looking to thin out some of my collection, and have a question regarding Canada: Does the Canadian Postal Service offer international Money Orders that would be payable in US$. I have had better experiance with payment by Postal Money Orders, and if they are available in Canada, I would like to also except bids from Canadians.

Thanks All,

Hi George. Most of us pay with USD bank money orders. I have been sending an obscene number of these south since 1974. Never ever a problem, as Canadian bank MO are made out to a US bank. Come to think of it, I am not sure if the post office does make MO in US, but I would be amazed if they did not. You can pay with USD in almost any store up here. Its our second currency. Just not as pretty as ours.
Hey George,
Given the current track record of the US$, maybe you should consider accepting those pretty bits of paper those who live north of the boarder call money.
Best wihses
The Canadiaqn post officees do offer money orders in US funds. However, for Canucks, it is cheaper to just go to your bank and purchase one there. In regard to the reverse payment ie a US buyer sends a MO to Canada these must be international ones. Our banks will no longer accept the US domestic MO's. which are only good within the teritorial boundaries of the USA. Lasty, for Gus... yes our currency is very colourful when compared to those drab old green backs produced by Uncle Sam. Regards, Brian