Joe, Your Photo of The Germans and Russkis


Joe, back before the "crash" you posted a photo or two of a group of soldiers who appeared to be Germans and Russians. There was some speculation as to the time frame of the photo and the occaision that would warrent such unlikely comradery. I may have found the answer, can you repost?

really sad that we lost those posts.
Joe and all, I just received my set of the "First World War". Its a British production of 503 minutes and has some of the most "kick-ass" footage of the first war that I have ever seen. In the episode dealing with "revolution" it has a clip of the Russo-German armistice of 1917. Some of the groups filmed might actually be this crowd.

Should anyone want to buy this set, it cost $39.99 and is available from "ACORN" at If the cost is deemed prohibitive, I will gladly loan my set to any on the forum if they will pay the postage. I have spent time as soldier, student and teacher so I can appreciate the tight budget thing.
This month's over-the-top has a nice little article by the world's leading expert on the Russian expeditionary force to the west in 1916 - Jamie Cockfeild Of Mercer University. If you don't want to read the entire book this is a synopsis of the first two chapters and works pretty well. It does not go into the actual employment of the troops but rather the political agreements and shipping of the brigades.

Right now it looks like we will have some copies of these CDs at SOS.

Thanks to our readers for all the kind comments about our Gallipoli issue. We keep the quality at that level. (I won't be appearing on any more covers for the foreseeable future, however.)
This January issue tells the amazing story of how Tsar Nicholas was persuaded to send an expeditionary force of Russian troops to France when he was having his own problems on the Eastern Front. Next month, we feature the 1914 Siege of Antwerp -- both Winston and Big Bertha were there, so it must have been pretty interesting.
If you are a new subscriber, you might like to know that CDs featuring all three years of our publishing efforts are available. The CDs (including shipping charges) are $25 each and feature lots of extras including photo albums and slide shows, musical sections and background images for your desktop. Specify 2007, 2008 or 2009 issues. Checks should me made out to our parent company:
Military History Press
and mailed to:
106 San Pablo Town Center, #260
San Pablo, CA 94806

Have a great 2010,

Mike and the Editorial Team