K R 2 Feldgrau

Beautiful helmet congratulations Steve(y)

I wonder why they never painted the outside of the Helmet Feldgrau :unsure: Seems to be poor design to paint the underside visor and then ignore the outside which is what you want to make less of a target.

The spike, trim and Wappen are all given a coat of Feldgrau and placed on what would be in the field a mirror.

I was thinking maybe because they were issuing covers to offer some camouflage but then why paint the trim, spike and Wappen? There has to be a logical reason but I'm missing it.

Maybe someone knows for sure or at least could make up something that sounds a convincing reason.
Very good contacts with Halen and Pasewalk. Both towns are twinned. Halens fields where once the "Königin" Kürassiere stormed.