Kurassier helmet. Parts helmet or private purchase?


New member
Hello everyone,

I am currently thinking about buying this Kurassier helmet. However it doesn't look standard issue to me in the slightest. Could it be a private purchase? Or is it just made out of random parts lying around?

What do you guys think?

I'm sure we have members who know a lot more about these than I do, but here is what I see. Appears to be a model 1867 (should only have one -Land- cockade), private purchase (based on liner). If this an issued helmet I believe it should have regimental stampings on it. This is one of those pieces that I would have to see in person or at least many more photos. The leather of the liner looks funny (strange, not haha) to me, also I noticed the chin strap is missing its small buckle. I'm suspicious of a strap missing this buckle, most of the repros can't get the buckle correct.
This helmet has the small brass strip on the shell connecting the front visor to the rear neck guard. This modification was adopted in 1867, so I would place the date of the helmet after that. Many older helmets were "upgraded" in 1897 with the Reichs Kokarde, so that is not a big issue. The screw posts holding the chin scales on appear to be something from Home Depot. I have not seen screw posts quite like that before, although there are several minor variations based upon manufacturer. The photo of the Wappen is blurred, so I would definitely get a better photograph --- front and back. The liner simply doesn't belong. Not only is the liner incorrect, it also doesn't fit. This is makeshift at best. I would really think twice about this helmet --- and I would carefully watch this dealer!

John :eek:
The seller is Sergio Semino in Frankfurt. I think that if there are some red flags on this helmet, he should have honestly mentioned them in his description...Normally....

I have found this item:


And yes, seller says that the liner has been replaced ("Innenfuter ergänzt")...

As Mr Semino has now almost stopped to deal, the last items remaining on his website are not convincing me 100%... Even the very last rest...

In the past, he really had good stuff. I bought from him for two years an excellent named Württemberg Offizier Tschapka with Überzug, all genuine and original, and picked it up at his home. I could have a look at the remaining stuff he still had. Some items really scared me, as this one I had in my hands :eek:


Thanks for the heads up guys :) I'll save my money and start looking further. Anyone has a good place to find original Kurassier metalhelmen?

Kind regards,
The seller also sells a model 1867 kurassier helmet (see link). Is that one perhaps 100% legit? if so I might just buy that one instead.
