Kurassier Metalhelme Older Model


Well-known member
Very thorough description on this one...
I may be wrong but it seems Imperial Helmets are suddenly popular on eBay. A consequence of the SOS maybe?
Hi Ron,

Although the seller offers a thorough description of this helmet, it means little. You, as a potential buyer, has to do the work to convince yourself that its authenthic, and especially with these kurassier helmets I would be very cautious because there are a lot of fake ones on ebay. Concerning this helmet, I have my doubts about the chin scales.

Best regards,

wihu61 said:
regarding the chinscales: read point 4 in the description of the helmet.

Ah, it appears to be a lenghthy, but honest description, which is not often encountered on ebay. Nevertheless, be cautious with this helmet in part because there is no return policy.


Hello Edwin,
I'm not buying it; I was just curious about the fact all these helmets are suddenly showing in significant numbers maybe due to the many recent militaria shows in the US.
Apart from my two M1897 Off. Pickelhaubes which looked too nice not to be bought, I'm trying to focus on wartime headgear. A bit cheaper than pre-ww1 items and soon will become quite scarce (ww1 will be 100 years old soon!).