Lange Pistole 08 DWM 1917


New member

here a beautiful gun 08 in the long version of 1917 DWM. The numbers are the same. The condition is good.

Gruß Dragoner08
Very, very nice Gunnar :thumb up: Excellent condition! It is very hard for us to buy such pieces here in Kanada, too many laws.
i guess the law counts for many of us
in the past i wanted those too but with constant chance off the laws i kept my collection mainly on headgear and ersatzbayonets
but must say that these ar by far the better ones that i have seen

Wonderful - the Rolls Royce of lugers :D

Do you have all the holster rigs too as they are a great piece of craftsmanship too?

Jonas did machine gunners ever use the ersatz bayinet?
