Lazarett Röntgen


New member
Hi everyone,

Just to share my latest find.
Wicker basket for transport X-ray. Does anyone have any photos of similar basket?
X-ray belonged to Kreigs - Laz. Abt. I XIV A.K.





I am really happy of that find :D

A basket! Why did I open this part of discussion. excuse the pun, but why is this in the slightest bit interesting?
drewlarge said:
A basket! Why did I open this part of discussion. excuse the pun, but why is this in the slightest bit interesting?

I hope you were 'weaving' a line of aphorism by opening that part up... but, if not, here's my humble opinion:

1) It has to do with WWI und der Kaiserzeit...

2) It's unusual, unique, the first I have seen! All in all, a pretty cool artifact.

3) Because it's his latest find and he's proud of it...

:D Ron
A basket! Why did I open this part of discussion. excuse the pun, but why is this in the slightest bit interesting?
I like this basket also because it's also a piece of history, just like a helmet or anything else!
Since you're at your 5th post now, why don't you introduce yourself first and why don't you show us some of your wonderfull collection? I didn't see one positive comment from your side yet... maybe your next post can be a very interesting item?

Adler said:
A basket! Why did I open this part of discussion. excuse the pun, but why is this in the slightest bit interesting?
I like this basket also because it's also a piece of history, just like a helmet or anything else!
Since you're at your 5th post now, why don't you introduce yourself first and why don't you show us some of your wonderfull collection? I didn't see one positive comment from your side yet... maybe your next post can be a very interesting item?



Thank you guys for all good comments :) except for one :x

Well the basket is indeed very nice.
Thanks again :D
H,,hWhoa! I might only have joined a short time ago, but that has nothing to do with my likes and dislikes. Ok , so you all love the basket. I don't.

This is a forum. If saying you don't like an item a forum member owns means that I upset other members then its not much of a forum and more of a mutual agreement society.

I have read quite a lot of threads and posts and it from what I see, it does not take much to upset some people on here.

Adler, what if I did own a wonderful collection and I did show it to you, would that make my comment on a basket more acceptable?
Will I now see comments from members saying, that if you cant say anything good, don't say anything at all.
No, I think the problem was that even though you didn't care about the basket, you wondered why you wasted your time opening the thread and then took the time to reply to that affect. It's not a mutual admiration society, but one where members are treated as fellow collectors and interested historians, some more serious than others, with a measure of respect and professionalism. If you don't like an item, cool. I don't 'like' everything either, but I certainly don't say that I think it was disappointment to open a thread by wasting my time with a response, not that I respond to every thread I open. For example, I know little about Mutzes, so seldom respond to the threads, but I take a look.
Also, we've read your responses and they haven't been all that enlightened or informative. Maybe share some knowledge with us once in a while? After all, we all learn from this forum in one way or another.
I guess there are probably forums where people enjoy bashing each other for some reason or other, like they do on those comment sites for news networks, this just hasn't been one of them and if that's a disappointment to you, that's too bad. We probably won't play your game for the reasons stated above.

Also, we'd still like to see some of your collection, whether it's a list of 'wants', or a magnificent array of pieces.

Drew: As owner of this forum, I am only going to waste my time once in responding here. If you want to continue to disrespect other members then I will ban you from the forum and you can go elsewhere to stir up crap. I am going to give you a very simple message so that you can understand it. This forum is a support group of collectors. We collect different things, have different interests but the common thread is that we all collect, we value historical items and we respect one another. Your comment was out of line, immature and reveals a personality which feels that it is enabled to tramp on other peoples' feelings. You think you have a right to say whatever pops into your head, well here is a wake do not. Do not bother to respond with the usual right of free speech crap. All of us here have the right to express our opinion and we do so but because we are adults we respect each other and we do not "dis" another man's latest purchase. The right of free speech does not include the right to hurt other people. In words that you will understand.....I am the big dog here, I decide the rules and you have broken them, just put your head down, learn your lesson, shut up, stop wasting my time, or leave.
More importantly, this is a magnificent basket with exceptional markings, it is amazing that it has survived. This is one of those everyday items that would normally have been destroyed or thrown out. It would have been so easy to break this up and use it for kindling. Swords, helmets, all very cool and your traditional historical survivors but this?? Think about saving a card board box today?? Who would have saved this and why? Was the plan to use it as a war surplus picnic basket, a laundry basket?? The different parts involved in its construction are phenomenal and a tribute to lost craftsmanship. Is there anyone out there today that could duplicate this object? In rarity, this utilitarian basket far out strips a common Prussian pickelhaube and is a truly wonderful artifact. I would be very proud to own it.

I just read this thread for the first time and I can tell you that it is refreshing to see a website administrator that won't put up with this type of individual. They pop up on every website now and again. They immediately start with the boorish and negative comments and upset all of the regular members. The problem is not that they have opinions, it's that they are mean spirited and intentionally enjoy stirring the pot. These jokers are eventually kicked from every forum they invade, but you see them coming back under different names or just moving on to upset some other forum. They're all the same....losers. And maybe this is the only type of behavior that makes them feel they have some power over the emotions of others. Regardless, it's sad.

Anyway, I just wanted to applaud you for the swift reaction. I've seen other forums let this go on for some time before putting an end to it.

Best regards,