Legit Camo? I dunno...


New member

What do you think?

This helmet is not like any I have seen, but that does not mean that it is bad. The paint is much thinner and the colours are also different than most camo helmets, but that does not bother me as much as the regular pattern. The point of applying a como paint scheme to a helmet was to make it irregular, so my thought is that it is a post war upgrade to a storm troopers helmet, but then I also feel that most of the camo helmets out there are the same. Sorry for the non answer to your question, but it is difficult to say when the paint was applied unless it is obviously a recent paint job.
Best wihses
In addition, it is very odd that the paint is not scuffed on the top of the helmet ie. from being taken off and plopped on the ground when such protection was not needed. Brian
I agree with Gus this Helmet has a very unusual colour scheme . Grey is not a colour i am use to seeing on war time helmats.
War time helmets were basic patterns.
My humble opinion.
My feeling is that this COULD be period, but it wasn't used in the trenches. This could have been a "boat painted" helmet, that is helmets that came home with a returning vet.

I would want to hold this one. I'd have to "feel" and "smell" the paint before I could offer a judgement. Real camos from WWI have a "feel" in the texture that fakers never get right. You can't fake 90 years of paint aging.
One more thing. Look at the wear on the rim on the inside... why is that more worn than the outside shell? Again, this could be a sign that it was painted AFTER it was picked up.

There is a refund, but the seller only accepts money orders so I'd stay away. If I can't pay via credit card I get nervous.
Indeed, the camouflage seems to be post-war added. It does not mean it is bad.
I don't think it is a deliberate fake, because it would be painted more accordingly with the "normal" camouflage painting and not in this diamond shaped painting. Moreover, the painting seems old.

The inside of the shell was re-painted in dark grey. Definitely, it is a helmet re-used and taken by a vet (in the best case).

Anyway, it got some repairs on the leather liner.
