Leib Garde H R Feldgrau Attila


Well-known member
Here is one that I thought the Feldgrau collectors might like .
On a couple of my visits to Calif. collectors in 2004 / 2005
I was able to purchase the feldgrau L G H R Attila .
I had it in the collection for a while then
traded it to another Calif. collector .
I note this Garde unit did carry the pre-war
special Garde pattern lace .

I have lost my words
That is an amaizing attila :p
The condition of it is at is best
For manny years i have been looking for an attila to match with my 16hussar busby but never had the chanse to even find one
Thanks for sharing

Jonas ;
A few years Malcolm Fisher bought a huge Feldgrau
uniform collection here in the states .
I can't remember if there was an H R 16 in it or not
It was the basis for his over-sized book on
Feldgrau uniforms .
I owned some of those at one time .
he may have sold them all by now .

Beautiful feldgrau and very rare!

I remember when Malcolm Fisher purchased that collection, back in the 90's if I remember correctly. Probably over 200 pieces.
I had a list at one time of what was in the collection he ended up with.

Dennis ;
Can you find that list ?
If you can , please email it to me .

Do you have Fisher's Feldgrau book ?
It is great

Well at least you got a schoulderboard the only thing i got my hands on a few years ago is that busby , didnt get any further than that
The bad thing is that i do know where i can find an attila it is just not a 16 de hussar
If i am not mistaken it is a 15 and a 17
Aint that nervraking #-o

Jonas ;
When I was younger
I would something like that H R 15 or H R 17
even if I did not need it ( IF I had the money at the time )
Just in case a collector turned up the H R 16
the only thing that he would do is trade
Either one would not be a bad thing to have anyway .


I looked over Fisher's Feldgrau book pretty good today
I did not see an H R 16 Feldgrau Attila.
I am kinda difficult on that matter
I want to match the attlia with the busby or vice versa but having a busby for the 16 hr and an attlia for 15 hr is a bit agianst my principals
Maybe i have to throw a needle in a haystack and start searching for it
If i go over it in years to find one ,the joy and happyness wil be even greater if the right one crosses my path

Jonas ;
I understand.

I was saying buy another Attila in case the other collector
who might have a 16th will only trade
and would not sell you the 16th
than at least you would have something to offer him in trade

Lots of times over my years of collecting
Other collectors would not sell me something
but they would trade
Stuka ;
Sorry .
I know nothing of his past , only
that he published some good books
and he bought that Feldgrau collection .
I have never done a military deal with him .
kaiser said:
For manny years i have been looking for an attila to match with my 16hussar busby but never had the chanse to even find one
Thanks for sharing. Jonas

Jonas are you looking for an HR16 M09 Feldgrau Attila? To match an HR16 M15 Pelzmütze? I searched 25 years for M09 Feldgrau Attila to any Regiment and finally gave up.
Jonas are you looking for an HR16 M09 Feldgrau Attila? To match an HR16 M15 Pelzmütze? I searched 25 years for M09 Feldgrau Attila to any Regiment and finally gave up.[/quote]

Well i am still young so if i might do the same 25 years to find one like you did
Then i will be retired ,and can fully enjoy my attila

I was trully happy when i had found that busby but i knew in my head that when i wanted to match it with that attila that it would be a hell of a job to find one
So i took piece with just the busby
Schould it ever pop up it will be a miracle

Back to Fisher and that collection he purchased......I thought there was a video produced where the collection was gone through and each uniform described and identified??? Even I heard about that sale back in the 1990's.
Brian ;
You are correct .
There are videos of the uniforms with the owner
at the time on camera with audio / visual of each piece
The story I heard was that the owner / video producer
thought / hoped the tapes would be a big splash
I think sales did not go as hoped and some collectors
bought the tapes then loaned them to friends who
pirated them with copies .
Well then he sold the complete collection to Fisher
and Fisher did the book
And that is the story as I heard it .
I still own a set of the videos that I think I
bought form Dennis Koehler
That's pretty much the story of Marshall Daut's collection. I worked with him on the tapes by proof reading his text. At one time, he had over 200 feldgrau uniforms. He had half of the tapes made in the European PAL format and when dealers there would not carry them, he became discusted. He had sunk a ton of his own money into producing a five hour tape. It was at that point that he made the decision to sell to Malcolm. The collection sat for nearly a decade before the book came out. I have a lot of photos that Marshall sent me over the years and there were a bunch of Hussar Attila.