Look what came in the mail from Germany


New member
Hello all,

On a chance.... I used a 'buy it now' from our favorite eBay Germany site a few weeks back. The picture was fuzzy and was taken from about 400 feet away, at night without a flash (typical German ebay photo).

I never asked the seller any questions as the deal was already completed with the 'buy it now' option I selected.

Here is the first pic

Now it starts to get interesting..... by looking at the interior.. you can see what looks like a standard officer's helmet... however... there are extra holes left and an impression top and inside from a round spike base, an enlisted back spine, an enlisted helmet plate and extra holes from where the initial round visor had been and replaced with a squared visor.

front visor sewn over the top of the cork padding (the stitching is under the cork padding on the rear visor)

All the fittings are matching.. and have been on the helmet for a very very long time. The crucifix has sunken into the helmet a little. The stars are all split brads and are matchin and tight.

My thoughts are that this wasa private purchase one year volunteer or an enlisted helmet that was period upgraded to a reserve officer's helmet once he made the rate. Instead of buying a new helmet, he sent it in to get refurbished.

This would explain why the helmet plate holes are different (smaller enlisted plate).. the round spike base.. the replaced back spine and front visor.

Then... it looks like it was hardly worn and placed in it's case for 80 years. The gilding is about 100% and all the fittings are mirror bright.

Hey Tony,

Yes..... since I can no longer afford the General's stuff...... I'll hunt and peck around.....


Hi Mark:

Are the chinscales the M15 style that attach to Knopf 91? Are the Rosetten an integral part of the scales or separate?
