Looking for Regimentsgeschichten


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Who can help me with Regimentsgeschichten...
17. and 18. Mecklemburgische Dragoner Regimenter
9.Ulanen Regiment
Kürassier Regiment "Königin" (Pommersches) Nr 2

Thank you,
All about these Regiments' involvement in The Battle of Halen-"The Battle of the Silver Helmets"
and of course the aftermath ! Losses etc...

Thank you !

unfortunately my stuff on these guys is pre-war. :( I am in Potsdam next week and will attempt to consult the wartime regimental histories held at the ZMSBw and make some scans.


oops!! I forgot I had the wartime history of KR 2!

The following casualty figures are given:

3. Kavallerie-Brigade:

Kürassier-Regt. Nr. 2

8 Officers
77 NCOs and Kürassiere
272 horses.

Lt. v. Kameke died of wounds

The following officers were severely wounded:

Rittm. v. Horn
Lt. v. d. Marwitz
Lt. Graf v. Bassewitz
Stabsvet. Proelß

Lightly wounded:

Lt. v. Eisenhart-Rothe
Lt. v. Zitzewitz

Assist.-Arzt Werdin was taken prisoner.

The following were killed:

Uneroffizier Muther
Gefreiter Kieck
Kürassier Stalowski
Kürassier Dittmer
Kürassier Schülke

24 NCOs and Kürassiere were wounded with a further 48 missing, mostly captured.

Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 9 lost 4 Officers, 121 NCOs and Ulanen and 311 horses.

the 17. and 18. Dragoner lost in total 14 officers and 297 NCOs and Dragoner plus 328 horses.


What Francis did not say is that we are cooperating on a book concerning Halen. I sent the first half of The Great War Dawning to Verlag-Militaria yesterday so that project is wrapping up. I would hope you would get your copy in October.

I was hoping to hit you up for some help on this new one. That is wonderful that you have the history of KR2 as Francis has a big description of the battle from one of the participants in that regiment! Really quite fascinating Francis has translated it but it is in an unpublished format currently.

In particular I was going to ask you for some information out of the Rangliste. I have two targets right now. Rittmeister von Bodecker, and Rittmeister Erhard Graf von Kalnein both from the Mecklenburg dragoon regiments. We would appreciate anything at all that you found in Potsdam.

I will scan the pages regarding Haelen from the KR 2 history and dropbox them to you.

Both Rittmeister Hans v. Bodecker and Erhard Graf v. Kalnein were squadron commanders in 1. Großherzoglich Mecklenburgisches Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 17 of the 2. and Leib Eskadron respectively. Bodecker survived the war and retired as a Major a.D. although Graf v. Kalnein was killed at Haelen, although initially reported as missing (as indeed was Rittm. v. Bodecker).

The losses as reported in Verlustliste 25 of 1914 of DR 17 can be found here


This from the 1914 Prussian Army List.


Well success with two out of the three. I have the stuff on Haelen from both DR 17 & 18 which I will send to you when I get home.

This from DR 17.


Glenn this is great news !

I saw the real painting at the Halen museum.

Rittmeister Erhard Graf von Kalnein is leading.

Thank you,

Well yes great success! Thank you Glenn! It will be very interesting to look at the dates of the history as we seem to have a little bit of information about the picture itself. Francis has dug up quite a bit about the family connections. This should be fun!

That sounds like a really interesting project. Good luck with it.

Do you have any idea of when it will be published, or is that to soon to tell?

Does anyone have these in his "Archives" ?

Harald von Nes, Die „Kavallerie-Debatte“ vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg und das Gefecht von Halen am 12. August 1914, in: Militärgeschichtliche Beiträge 7, 1993, Seiten/pages. 31-36.

I know this is for sale on Amazon.com; I just want to make sure that I buy the right stuff :eek: .

Thank you,

How much? Link?
Do you have any idea of when it will be published, or is that to soon to tell?

It is too early to tell.

The anniversary of the battle is 12 August 2014. Much if not most of the research on the general organizations was done in conjunction with the great war Dawning. I really won't be able to start writing until I finish that one which is in the layout stage now. The first attempt at a sure hit publisher has been met by silence. Ideally, we would like to do it in English and Dutch and have it out in time for the anniversary. I really don't think it will take a long time just have to get on it. Francis is amazing – he always finds stuff!