M1857 Garde pickelhaube - Restoration of chinscales

Nice job on the scales! I've done that in the past and it's a lot of work. Yours turned out very well indeed.

Yes, in the US Army in the mid-70's they told us when we were in the field for more than a few days to take three pairs of socks. One was worn, one dry and in our packs, one washed and dried in our helmet suspension. I tried it once and found that not being LRP's, we could easily dry socks in the 'pup tents' while we were gone for the day. I did keep my map scale (Protractor) in my helmet though. It seemed to stay un-crinkled up there. Of course, that was in the 'steel pot' and Kevlar. Couldn't do that in the ACH. I still have every helmet I used after basic training, both ground troops and tanker types. I wish I'd have kept the box my ACH came in before going over seas. Oh well...

:D Ron