M95 Baden 109 Leib Grenadier OR helmet

But, whatever I may think about those hairy nightmares :D, the other helmet with a decent spike (grin!) is bloody gorgeous, James! :thumb up:
911car said:
Is this one of these wartime produced IR109 helmets, with just the BAXVIII stamp on the rear bill?

Hi Gents,

Bruno, is it possible that you are confounding LGR109 with LGR115? LGR 109 never depended from the XVIII AK, only from the BA XIV. There never was a stamp BA XVIII, only BJA XVIII and RBA18 in war time, because in peace time, XVIII AK depended from the BAXI, BAVII (JR87 and JR88) and BAVIII (ER2 and ER3) for its equipment.

J.LeBrasseur said:
Bruno- thanks for making me take a closer look, there is a very faint marking on back inside visor, and in just the right light you can make out the 109, so it is unit marked!!!

I am struggling to get my camera to pick up any trace of the marking, no luck yet..

Congrats, James. So does mine....Very faint marking and pretty difficult to document on a pict. But there! Only better visible with Photo editing program: R109 :wink:

Peter_Suciu said:
And Tony, what is wrong with plumes?
Peter it's an aversion I have after spending countless hours in the blazing sun or pouring rain in a polyester uniform on parade which to me, served no purpose other than to feed the hubris of the reviewing officer. Wasted time that we could have spent actually doing our jobs, which was training for combat. So yes, I agree its personal taste. So out of 120 Pickelhauben here not one is parade configuration. Those hair-things are all in a storage box. Yuk. :silent:

And just so I am not accused of being off-topic, here is my example.


argonne said:
911car said:
Is this one of these wartime produced IR109 helmets, with just the BAXVIII stamp on the rear bill?

Hi Gents,

Bruno, is it possible that you are confounding LGR109 with LGR115? LGR 109 never depended from the XVIII AK, only from the BA XIV. There never was a stamp BA XVIII, only BJA XVIII and RBA18 in war time, because in peace time, XVIII AK depended from the BAXI, BAVII (JR87 and JR88) and BAVIII (ER2 and ER3) for its equipment.


Yes of course, Philippe! My bad. I guess I am really tired and the Xmas break will be welcome... I was thinking of JR115 when I made this comment. Thank you for the rectification. At least my wrong remark was useful to our friend to make this faint marking out...