Mecklenburg general helmet

I wonder

New member
I got a helmet that I didn't know what it was and somebody said it was a generals Meckelenburg helmet. (I cant work out how to put pictures on)

It has all gold metal parts on a black body. The helmet has a large star and in the middle is a silver star with a red and blue glass centre with gold writing peraspera adastra in a circle around the red

A member told me a couple of days ago that its not a generals helmet because the metal parts should be silver with only the badge gold.

Another member said that this helmet has already been discussed on the forum and it is definately not a generals. I dont really mind if its not but if somebody could point out where it is discussed maybe I can find out what it is after all. Whatever it is I like it anyway.

I got another couple today and looking at the forum one is nearly the same as the one that says 'train enigma' but it does not have any numbers or date and the other one is nearly the same as the 'generals' one but it has a plain spike and an eagle badge and a tiny little eagle ontop of that. It is in new like condition with a case and a white hairy droopy plume.

If anybody can help me to tell what exactly they are too I would like to hear from you. Is there an easy way of sending pictures into the forum?
Hi: You need to join photobucket and upload your pics from your computer to that site. Once there copy the picture url come to the forum hhit new message, then click on img, paste your pic. I believe we have a tutorial on the forum somewhere on all of this. You could also forward your pics to me in an email and I will post for you. My email [email protected] A few pics posted here will clear up any doubts as to what helmets you have. Brian