Mecklenburg units during WW1.


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Mecklenburg Units during WW1

List compiled from:
Das Mecklenburger Militär und seine Uniformen 1701 – 1918
Keubke, Klaus-Ulrich, Erna Keubke and Ralf Mumm

- Grenadier Regiment Nr 89, Schwerin und Neustrelitz, in the 17th Division
- Fusilier Regiment Nr 90, Rostock and Wismar, in the 17th Division
- Infantry Regiment Nr 464, established at Lockstedter Lager in April 1917, Demobilized in Schwerin, in the 238 Infanterie Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 90, established August 1914 Rostock, Wismar and Schwerin. Demobilized in Rostock. In the 18 Reserve Division, March 1915 with 54 Infantry Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 214, established September 1914 Rostock, Schwerin, Gustrow. Demobilized in Rostock. In the 46 Reserve Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 265, established December 1914 at Lockstedter Lager. Demobilized in Schwerin, In the 80 Reserve Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 266, established December 1914 at Lockstedter Lager. Demobilized in Rostock. In the 80 Reserve Division
- Landwehr Infantry Regiment Nr 76, I-III Battalion established August 1914 Schwerin, Neustrelitz, Stade. Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 1 Landwehr Division. Feb 1915 with 11 Landwehr Division
- Landwehr Infantry Regiment Nr 386, established September 1916 in Westen. Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 20 Landwehr Division
- Jager Battalion Nr 14, Colmar in Alsace (ersatz battalion Heidelberg) demobilized in Schwerin. In the 39 Infantry Division then Armeetruppe Feb 1918 to Ostseedivision
- Reserve Jager Battalion Nr 14, established August 1914 Colmar in Alsace. Demobilized in Wismar. In the 28 Reserve Division, May 1915 Alpenkorps in Jager Regiment Nr 2
- Radfahrer Battalion Nr 5, established July 1916, demobilized in Wismar. Heerestruppe
- Dragoner Regiment Nr 17, Ludwiglust, in the 4 Kavallerie Division, Feb 1917 Herreskavallerie
- Dragoner Regiment Nr 18, Parchim, in the 4 Kavallerie Division, Feb 1917 Herreskavallerie
- Dragoner Regiment Nr 13, otherwise Metz, Ersatz- Eskadron and demobilized at Ludwigslust. In the 6 Kavallerie Division, Feb 1917 Divisionskavallerie
- Landwehr Kavallerie (Schutzen) Regiment Nr 92. Established February 1915 in Osten. Demobilized in Parchim. In the 11 Landwehr Division, July 1916 in the Landwehr Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment converted
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 24, Gustrow, Neustrlitz. In the 17 Infantry Division. Dec 1916 Heeresartillerie, Oct 1917 Deutsche Jager Division
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 60, Schwerin, in the 17 Infantry Division
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 91, Established July 1915. Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 4 Ersatz Division, Sept 1916 Heeresartillerie, Jan 1917 in 19 Landwehrdivision. May 1918 Heeresartillerie
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 504. Established Dec 1916 in Westen. Demobilized in Schwerin. Heeresartillerie
- Reserve Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 46, Established Sept 1914 in Gustrow. Demobilized in Gustrow. In the 46 Reserve Division
- Reserve Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 66. Established December 1914 in Gustrow and Schwerin. Demobilized in Gustrow. In the 80 Reserve Division
- Landwehr Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 9. Established July 1915 Westfront, Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 9 Landwehr Division
- Marine Feldartillerie Regiment. Established 1915 Westfront, Demobilized in Gustrow. In the 2 Marine Division
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Schwerin 3, demobilized Schwerin
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Neustrelitz 2, demobilized Schwerin
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Rostock, demobilized Rostock
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Wismar, demobilized Wismar
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Parchim, demobilized Schwerin
- I/Infanterie Regiment Nr 187
- II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 362, has been August 1916 I/Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 273
- II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 409
- II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 432
- II/Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 84
- IV/Landwehr Infanterie Regiment 76, has been 1916 III Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 69
- V/Landwehr Infanterie Regiment Nr 76, has been 1916 III/Landwehr Infanterie Regiment Nr 87
- Brigade Ersatz Battalion Nr 34, has been July 1915 II/ Infanterie Regiment Nr 362
- Reserve Brigade Ersatz Battalion Nr 34, has been Oct 1915 I/Reserve Ersatz Regiment Nr 3
- I/Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 108
- II/Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 405
- Ersatz Abteilung Feldartillerie Nr 60
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Schwerin 1
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Schwerin 2 has been Oct 1916 II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 432
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Neustrelitz 1, has been III/Landsturm Regiment Nr 37
Did all these formations that were issued spiked helmets wear the Mecklenburg wappen?
Well, I came across this list which seemed pretty intense. From the little I knew before, Mecklenburg helmets are considered to be more rare as they sent fewer units to the war, however, the list provided here shows that there were more units and so I would assume that there might be depot stamps and such on various helmets out there.

Helmut Weitze says that there was only one field artillery unit sent but the list here has at least 7. Maybe he means from the city Schwerin specifically? I am posting this to get further info as well from the community.

Thanks for commenting.
Best Regards,