Active member
Mecklenburg Units during WW1
List compiled from:
Das Mecklenburger Militär und seine Uniformen 1701 – 1918
Keubke, Klaus-Ulrich, Erna Keubke and Ralf Mumm
- Grenadier Regiment Nr 89, Schwerin und Neustrelitz, in the 17th Division
- Fusilier Regiment Nr 90, Rostock and Wismar, in the 17th Division
- Infantry Regiment Nr 464, established at Lockstedter Lager in April 1917, Demobilized in Schwerin, in the 238 Infanterie Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 90, established August 1914 Rostock, Wismar and Schwerin. Demobilized in Rostock. In the 18 Reserve Division, March 1915 with 54 Infantry Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 214, established September 1914 Rostock, Schwerin, Gustrow. Demobilized in Rostock. In the 46 Reserve Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 265, established December 1914 at Lockstedter Lager. Demobilized in Schwerin, In the 80 Reserve Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 266, established December 1914 at Lockstedter Lager. Demobilized in Rostock. In the 80 Reserve Division
- Landwehr Infantry Regiment Nr 76, I-III Battalion established August 1914 Schwerin, Neustrelitz, Stade. Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 1 Landwehr Division. Feb 1915 with 11 Landwehr Division
- Landwehr Infantry Regiment Nr 386, established September 1916 in Westen. Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 20 Landwehr Division
- Jager Battalion Nr 14, Colmar in Alsace (ersatz battalion Heidelberg) demobilized in Schwerin. In the 39 Infantry Division then Armeetruppe Feb 1918 to Ostseedivision
- Reserve Jager Battalion Nr 14, established August 1914 Colmar in Alsace. Demobilized in Wismar. In the 28 Reserve Division, May 1915 Alpenkorps in Jager Regiment Nr 2
- Radfahrer Battalion Nr 5, established July 1916, demobilized in Wismar. Heerestruppe
- Dragoner Regiment Nr 17, Ludwiglust, in the 4 Kavallerie Division, Feb 1917 Herreskavallerie
- Dragoner Regiment Nr 18, Parchim, in the 4 Kavallerie Division, Feb 1917 Herreskavallerie
- Dragoner Regiment Nr 13, otherwise Metz, Ersatz- Eskadron and demobilized at Ludwigslust. In the 6 Kavallerie Division, Feb 1917 Divisionskavallerie
- Landwehr Kavallerie (Schutzen) Regiment Nr 92. Established February 1915 in Osten. Demobilized in Parchim. In the 11 Landwehr Division, July 1916 in the Landwehr Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment converted
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 24, Gustrow, Neustrlitz. In the 17 Infantry Division. Dec 1916 Heeresartillerie, Oct 1917 Deutsche Jager Division
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 60, Schwerin, in the 17 Infantry Division
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 91, Established July 1915. Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 4 Ersatz Division, Sept 1916 Heeresartillerie, Jan 1917 in 19 Landwehrdivision. May 1918 Heeresartillerie
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 504. Established Dec 1916 in Westen. Demobilized in Schwerin. Heeresartillerie
- Reserve Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 46, Established Sept 1914 in Gustrow. Demobilized in Gustrow. In the 46 Reserve Division
- Reserve Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 66. Established December 1914 in Gustrow and Schwerin. Demobilized in Gustrow. In the 80 Reserve Division
- Landwehr Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 9. Established July 1915 Westfront, Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 9 Landwehr Division
- Marine Feldartillerie Regiment. Established 1915 Westfront, Demobilized in Gustrow. In the 2 Marine Division
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Schwerin 3, demobilized Schwerin
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Neustrelitz 2, demobilized Schwerin
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Rostock, demobilized Rostock
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Wismar, demobilized Wismar
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Parchim, demobilized Schwerin
- I/Infanterie Regiment Nr 187
- II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 362, has been August 1916 I/Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 273
- II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 409
- II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 432
- II/Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 84
- IV/Landwehr Infanterie Regiment 76, has been 1916 III Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 69
- V/Landwehr Infanterie Regiment Nr 76, has been 1916 III/Landwehr Infanterie Regiment Nr 87
- Brigade Ersatz Battalion Nr 34, has been July 1915 II/ Infanterie Regiment Nr 362
- Reserve Brigade Ersatz Battalion Nr 34, has been Oct 1915 I/Reserve Ersatz Regiment Nr 3
- I/Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 108
- II/Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 405
- Ersatz Abteilung Feldartillerie Nr 60
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Schwerin 1
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Schwerin 2 has been Oct 1916 II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 432
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Neustrelitz 1, has been III/Landsturm Regiment Nr 37
List compiled from:
Das Mecklenburger Militär und seine Uniformen 1701 – 1918
Keubke, Klaus-Ulrich, Erna Keubke and Ralf Mumm
- Grenadier Regiment Nr 89, Schwerin und Neustrelitz, in the 17th Division
- Fusilier Regiment Nr 90, Rostock and Wismar, in the 17th Division
- Infantry Regiment Nr 464, established at Lockstedter Lager in April 1917, Demobilized in Schwerin, in the 238 Infanterie Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 90, established August 1914 Rostock, Wismar and Schwerin. Demobilized in Rostock. In the 18 Reserve Division, March 1915 with 54 Infantry Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 214, established September 1914 Rostock, Schwerin, Gustrow. Demobilized in Rostock. In the 46 Reserve Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 265, established December 1914 at Lockstedter Lager. Demobilized in Schwerin, In the 80 Reserve Division
- Reserve Infantry Regiment Nr 266, established December 1914 at Lockstedter Lager. Demobilized in Rostock. In the 80 Reserve Division
- Landwehr Infantry Regiment Nr 76, I-III Battalion established August 1914 Schwerin, Neustrelitz, Stade. Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 1 Landwehr Division. Feb 1915 with 11 Landwehr Division
- Landwehr Infantry Regiment Nr 386, established September 1916 in Westen. Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 20 Landwehr Division
- Jager Battalion Nr 14, Colmar in Alsace (ersatz battalion Heidelberg) demobilized in Schwerin. In the 39 Infantry Division then Armeetruppe Feb 1918 to Ostseedivision
- Reserve Jager Battalion Nr 14, established August 1914 Colmar in Alsace. Demobilized in Wismar. In the 28 Reserve Division, May 1915 Alpenkorps in Jager Regiment Nr 2
- Radfahrer Battalion Nr 5, established July 1916, demobilized in Wismar. Heerestruppe
- Dragoner Regiment Nr 17, Ludwiglust, in the 4 Kavallerie Division, Feb 1917 Herreskavallerie
- Dragoner Regiment Nr 18, Parchim, in the 4 Kavallerie Division, Feb 1917 Herreskavallerie
- Dragoner Regiment Nr 13, otherwise Metz, Ersatz- Eskadron and demobilized at Ludwigslust. In the 6 Kavallerie Division, Feb 1917 Divisionskavallerie
- Landwehr Kavallerie (Schutzen) Regiment Nr 92. Established February 1915 in Osten. Demobilized in Parchim. In the 11 Landwehr Division, July 1916 in the Landwehr Kavallerie Schutzen Regiment converted
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 24, Gustrow, Neustrlitz. In the 17 Infantry Division. Dec 1916 Heeresartillerie, Oct 1917 Deutsche Jager Division
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 60, Schwerin, in the 17 Infantry Division
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 91, Established July 1915. Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 4 Ersatz Division, Sept 1916 Heeresartillerie, Jan 1917 in 19 Landwehrdivision. May 1918 Heeresartillerie
- Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 504. Established Dec 1916 in Westen. Demobilized in Schwerin. Heeresartillerie
- Reserve Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 46, Established Sept 1914 in Gustrow. Demobilized in Gustrow. In the 46 Reserve Division
- Reserve Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 66. Established December 1914 in Gustrow and Schwerin. Demobilized in Gustrow. In the 80 Reserve Division
- Landwehr Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 9. Established July 1915 Westfront, Demobilized in Schwerin. In the 9 Landwehr Division
- Marine Feldartillerie Regiment. Established 1915 Westfront, Demobilized in Gustrow. In the 2 Marine Division
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Schwerin 3, demobilized Schwerin
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Neustrelitz 2, demobilized Schwerin
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Rostock, demobilized Rostock
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Wismar, demobilized Wismar
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Parchim, demobilized Schwerin
- I/Infanterie Regiment Nr 187
- II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 362, has been August 1916 I/Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 273
- II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 409
- II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 432
- II/Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 84
- IV/Landwehr Infanterie Regiment 76, has been 1916 III Reserve Infanterie Regiment Nr 69
- V/Landwehr Infanterie Regiment Nr 76, has been 1916 III/Landwehr Infanterie Regiment Nr 87
- Brigade Ersatz Battalion Nr 34, has been July 1915 II/ Infanterie Regiment Nr 362
- Reserve Brigade Ersatz Battalion Nr 34, has been Oct 1915 I/Reserve Ersatz Regiment Nr 3
- I/Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 108
- II/Feldartillerie Regiment Nr 405
- Ersatz Abteilung Feldartillerie Nr 60
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Schwerin 1
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Schwerin 2 has been Oct 1916 II/Infanterie Regiment Nr 432
- Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Neustrelitz 1, has been III/Landsturm Regiment Nr 37