Mitres of the Schloss Guard - Pre- 1894

I am looking for some help regarding the mitres worn by the Schloss Guard prior to the introduction of the new style mitre in 1894. Can anyone help me with references or photos?
Thank you,
Jim turinetti

the Schloßgarde-Kompanie wore the same model mitre as that originally worn by the Grenadier Battalions of the 1. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß but with a white metal shield, chin scales and grenades. The new style mitre was introduced for the Schloßgarde-Kompanie on 27 January 1909, the Kaiser's 50th birthday and not in 1894.


Hi Glenn,
Thank you very much for your reply. Do you have the reference that this picture came from? I have seen the illustrations in this book and they do a very nice job of illustrating the two mitres. I would like to get access to the book and the text that describes the two mitres. Can you be of any help with this?

drop me a pm with your email address and I will send you the uniform chapter from Pfannenberg's book on the Schloßgardekompanie.

A translation from the Larcade Volume one:

Before ending this chapter on the mitres, we need to have a closer look at the mitres for a small unit "zu Fuss", “on Foot”; a unit that was part of the Königliches Haus of the König of Preussen.
Initialy named the "Preussische Garde Unteroffizier Kompanie"; later; in 1861; renamed "Preussische Garde Unteroffizier Schlossgarde Kompanie". This Schlossgarde Kompagnie of the palaces of the Prussian King was composed of 70 non-commissioned officers; all veterans; in the rank of Vize-Feldwebel. This Kompanie was commanded by a Flügel Adjutant des Königs. This unit served as the Guard within the Royal Palaces; along with the Leib-Gendarmerie, they formed the immediate bodyguard for the sovereigns.
1842: according to their duty; they had two particular pieces of headgear:
*a Zweispitz (bicorne) decorated with black plumes.
*a mitre; identical to the Mod 1824, as worn by the Grenadiere of the 1. Garde Regiment zu Fuss, but with all metal fittings silver-plated.

From 1861 until 1918: the Zweispitz will be replaced by a helmet as worn with the Ordonnanz Uniform (Kleine Dienstuniform-Service uniform). This is the Mod 1860 helmet for the Garde Infantry; with all fittings-the flat chinscales included-in silverplated whitemetal.
Unless the fact that the height of the Helmglocke is reduced gradually til the year 1895- the Pickelhaube keeps its squared Vorderschirm/visor; the smooth Helmspitze on + basis and the chinscales.

31 december 1896: the Kompanie receives a new model of mitre. In all points identical to the one that is worn by the Füsilier Bn of the 1. Garde Regt zu Fuss since 9 February 1894. "

Hope this is the info you're looking for.


Oops Francis is of course right. The new uniforms were introduced in 1909, the new mitre in 1896.
