New member
Hello guys ,i am a collectaholic,there iv admitted it!!Ii have about 30 relic german helmets from both wars,and an asortment of mostly german militaria.I aslo have most antiques that you can think of ,eg clocks furniture,books, paintings.My latest indulgence is a classic lotus from 1975 called the Elite.Iv always liked lotus cars ,as opposed to sayFerrari.Dont get the idea im wealthy ,as im not i buy always buy things at bargain prices.Love movies ,favourites being pulp fiction,burbs,sleepy hollow.My fabvouite holiday destination is Las vegas ,and Palm springs.Did i here someone say we have a poser here???.Favourite food is chinese.i like whiskey or bourbon,but i only drink one day a week.well thats poser james from belfast saying hello to you all ,best wishes James