My little collection - Pickelhauben

Серега привет!
выложил потому , что надеюсь еще какую нибудь инфу по ним получить, может кто-что дополнит :)
A nice collection!
Gentlemen, I don't want to tell people what to do, but please write in English, the rest of the world can't read the two previous posts...

Adler said:
A nice collection!
Gentlemen, I don't want to tell people what to do, but please write in English, the rest of the world can't read the two previous posts...

I wrote

finally you posted here his collection
Hey Brusik,

The JR81 then RIR81 is definitly my favorite one. Pretty well marked, super shape. It seems to be made of cardboard....
:thumb up:

You are right Brosik, it seems to be leather, but what a strange color in the skull. It seems that some paper has been glued at the inside of the skull....
