Named GM-15 Gas Mask in Rusted but Complete Condition


Snagged a GM-15 at auction finally. Not any kind of miraculous find, and a little rusted; but, I'm pretty happy with it. Especially for the price. I walked away with it for 400 euro. Not too shabby for a complete GM-15 in todays market in my opinion, especially one with the nice name details on it that this set has. It will be a few months before I am home to look at it in person, so here are the photos from the auction.

The mask has the odd square cloth device between the mask and filter-I've heard that these helped filter out some chemical agents that were made up of larger dust size particles; but, someones also told me that they were used to keep the mask snug in the carrier so it would not rattle. I don't know if either of those things are true, personally; but, the cloth is present on this example.

To be honest, I'm a little weary of it. Are fake filter cloths known to be dishonestly added to masks to increase their value? I know its nearly impossible to produce a convincing fake of one of these masks, and it seems like the set is legitimate and has been all together for a very long time; however, the cloths are just something I don't know a great deal about.

The bottom of the can has some pretty serious surface rust and theres not much original paint left on the outside of the carrier; but, the straps are both there and the long strap is un-torn and complete with the buckle.

The instruction card is turned upside down at the bottom of the can and has had the rusting out filter sitting atop it for years. I hope that being turned upside down, the instructions have survived intact; but, I can already see that the corrosion has at least partially fused the card with the carrier bottom, so I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to remove it to inspect it or not. Its only in one corner, so fingers crossed

This is probably my favorite thing about the set and definitely makes it being a little rusted worth it. Theres something really cool about having the original owners Name and Battery on the carrier lid. Definitely certified "Stone Cold Cool" if you ask me.

What do you think guys, how did I do?

All the best
400 euro seems a little high to a person who bought this type of mask for $100, but that was in the last century. The condition can be improved with careful care. The fact it is complete and a great name painted on the lid makes up for the condition issue. I had not heard of the extra cloth being an additional filter, but that makes more sense than the rattle reducer. The cloth looks like it has been with the mask for a century and it would be interesting to look through the mask to see it the cloth covers the top of the filter. I do not think I would try to remove the filter as it could damage the cloth. As time passes, I do not think you will regret getting this.
Gustaf said:
400 euro seems a little high to a person who bought this type of mask for $100, but that was in the last century. The condition can be improved with careful care. The fact it is complete and a great name painted on the lid makes up for the condition issue. I had not heard of the extra cloth being an additional filter, but that makes more sense than the rattle reducer. The cloth looks like it has been with the mask for a century and it would be interesting to look through the mask to see it the cloth covers the top of the filter. I do not think I would try to remove the filter as it could damage the cloth. As time passes, I do not think you will regret getting this.

Howdy Gustof,

Thanks for your 2 cents on the filter cloth. I'm glad an old hand like yourself finds it satisfactory.

On the price: I am jealous of your 100 dollar Gummimasken. I don't really know what fair market is; but, its certainly more than 100 these days. I had a rather minty example which I bought around 2010 for 500 USD and resold for around 600. I liked the condition but found that it had no visible markings and that was a great shame for me (I'm not usually a markings snob but it was just too "unissued" for my tastes.

I am happy with this one because the name is pretty awesome, I wish the filter wasnt as rough but I think its not a dealbreaker.

I think it's a great find!
They are really hard to get nowadays and most of the time they aren`t flexible anylonger.
With name on the lid is `the cherry on the cake`,...well done ! =D>