Ostasiatiche brigade


Active member
I have not been here in a while.
so, today i want to talk about Ostasiatiche brigade and especialy about shako.
could somebody tell me if a MGA featured in the task organization of this corps? if "yes" what type of shako wore their soldiers?
Guard soldiers in this corps still have a stern plate or Ostasiatiche plate?
and lastly who was the manufacturers of these headgears and their location?

Mr Larcade said that MGA of this corps wore the common spikehelmet of this corps.

thanks a lot
Die Ostasiatische Besatzungsbrigade: -O.B.B.-
As there was no MG-Abteiling in the O.B.B. "as such": the MG crews will have been integrated in the O.B.B. Sub-unit. Thus wearing the helmet and the uniform of this sub-unit. Not the Tschako.

And yes: J-L-Larcade: Volume 1-page 108: the man on the right is wearing the "Patronentäschchen" (small pouch) instead of the "Patronentaschen"!!
These small pouches (the Täschchen) held only 5 rounds. Four Täschchen: 20 rounds for the Karabiner. And-crossed over his chest-the Schleppriemen (to carry or drag the MG) . With the white oval disk with the yellow Willem II cypher on it.

It's all in Da Book!!!! "Die Deutsche Infanterie"-Ulrich Herr and Jens Nguyen-Band 2-page 839-Lederzeug-
page 840 is showing the "Schleppriemen". "Dragging belt".

Hope this info is helpfull.

Organisation 01.06.1902

Kommando der Ostasiatischen Besatzungsbrigade (O.B.B.)
1. Ostasiatisches Infanterie-Regiment
2. Ostasiatisches Infanterie-Regiment
3. Ostasiatisches Infanterie-Regiment
Ostasiatische Eskadron Jäger zu Pferde, Tientsin
Ostasiatisches Feldartillerie-Abteilung
Ostasiatische Pionier-Kompanie, Tientsin
Ostasiatische Train-Kompanie, mit Pferdedepot, Tientsin
Ostasiatsche Sanitäts-Halbkompanie, Tientsin
Ostasiatsche Etappenkommandantur, Tangku
Ostasiatisches Feldlazarett Nr. 1 , Tientsin
Ostasiatisches Feldlazarett Nr. 2, Tientsin
thanks khukri for your answer,
i read LARCADE too...but i wanted to be sure there is not a mistake.
LARCADE said that only the train coy wore a tshako.
I saw a tshako last week, as described, in the LARCADE but with the star of the guard.
what is it? :-k a test helmet ???? :-k

What stamps ? O.B.B. ? Would be strange that it would have a Gardestern in the O.B.B.!!!
i don't trust that too....
i find the shako on another seller site.
https://www.ratisbons.com/Auctions-archive/2nd-Antiques-Auction/Tschako-fuer-Unteroffiziere-der-Garde-Maschinengewehr-Abteilung-in-Ostasien.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

The leather on this Tschako is painted green. Not dyed. M.G.A.Tschako: tawny dyed leather.