Pamona Calif. Military show. May 7-8


New member
Is any one going to Pamona next month? I will have 2 tables there. I will not have any helmets for sale, But I have lots of US and ww2 german military items for sale. I am hopeing to pick up a nice helmet there.

Hey Gus

It is starting to melt. We did not have a very good snow fall this year. We are at about 70%. Going to start around the rim next week....

Hey Russ, you had a heavey snow fall compaired to us, we are in the 50% range

I am not sure yet. I will let you know when I find out..


Are you going to have any water this year? My place in Klamath has good water rights. But my place in the valley has crapy water rights. I probably will not get to turn on the pump this year...

Hey Russ,
Water is a big problem, we have plenty in the reservores, but I get my water from the aquifer, and the level is dropping every year, they have pretty much done away with water rights in Idaho, and who ever can drill the deepest, now has the best water, but our problems have not been as bad as the Klamath, Tule Lake area. They have not found any special suckers here yet, but they no doubt will, even if they have to import them.
Best wihes

They are trying to get all of the dams removed off of the Klamath River. So when it happens ther will no longer be much farming in the basin. Maybe dryland wheat. But I think all the spud growers are looking for a nother kind of crop to raise. The fine sucker fish is very important to the tribe. They want the res back for free. That is in my opinion why all of this is going on. Just remenber!!! SOME SUCKER STOLED MY WATER.
