Pickelhaube Questions


what would you say that this helmet is worth? About $350-$400? What cockade that I have posted would go on this helmet because there are 2 different ones on this helmet. Any help again would be appreciated.

I wouldn't spend any money on this helmet if I wanted a proper pickelhaube in my collection, but I estimate it's worth about $200-$250. As for the kokarden, I believe it needs a state and city cockade (?) along with some other police parts, including a wappen, spike, spike base, etc. I don't know much about police pickelhauben, so some of my information might be wrong.
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Thanks for all the information. I am not going to buy it. I was just wondering if the chin strap & any one of those cockades would go with the other one I had posted. That is the late war canvas one on this same section.

I was just wondering if the chin strap & any one of those cockades would go with the other one I had posted.
Ah, I totally misunderstood your question then! The canvas helmet you posted would use the same type of chinstrap as the one on the butchered police helmet, but the kokarden would be a little different. The canvas helmet would need one EM’s Prussian cockade and one EM’s National cockade.