Pre war Saxon Infantry

Very nice. I assume this is the Waffenrock you told me about from the DEFA? I suppose you were fortunate enough to have matching markings in the helmet......T
Tony: Yes this is the waffenrock from DEFA. The helmet is marked 106
1B 3C 1912. It will do until one marked to the 178th comes along. The schutzenschnure with the Infanterie-Schiess-Schule schiess-auszeichnung was on the waffenrock when I got it. However, given that the rock had been in a film company prop department there is no way to know how long the schnure has been with the rock and if the original owner was ever assigned to the Infantry Marksmanship School or the Rifle Testing Commission.

Outstanding Waffenrock and haube. Thanks for showing us! Man, I'd love to get my hands on a Sachsen infantry mannschaft haube like that.

Hi R1:

Extremely nice. I presume we are discussing Deutsche Film AG, born out of UFA. I wonder in what film, if any, this waffenrock may have appeared? Would you be willing to post a picture of the DEFA property stamp?

Chas: This particular waffenrock does not have a DEFA marking which is why I selected it. The DEFA markings I saw in other waffenrocks and hats consisted of the letters DEFA in large block letters stenciled in black.

The 178th waffenrock does have a nice name label as shown below. Another reason I selected it.

Very very nice R1!!!! I want to have one of these groupings before I croak. Brian