Problems with site


Active member
Is anybody else having problems with the site ? Automatic log in isn't working and I have to have a couple of go's at manual log in before I get access. I then find that the 'new post' flags aren't always showing, even when there are new posts, and when they do show they don't disappear when I've read all the new posts. Apart from that everything's fine !

If it's just me, does anybody have any ideas how I resolve this?


Hi Patrick:
I really do not think that there is anything that we can do to solve this. Sometimes when I log in from my home lap top I have to enter my passwd, other times not. I can not remember any occaision when new posts were not shown in the index but perhaps I may have gapped this. If there is a reason for these glitches, it probably rests with the host company that we use, or it could also be the result of the hacker who destroyed the site a couple of months ago. Fortunately, the host company had backed up the site, or all would have been lost. We did lose some of the recent posts but we have since recovered. Other members have expressed concerns but I honestly do not think that there is anything that can be done. Perhaps Tony has a suggestion. Sorry for the inconvenience. Brian

Thanks for the reply.This happened to me once before, prior to the hacker, and then came right.

Ironically, I'd moved away from the site after posting my plea for help, and now I've returned, automatic log on is functioning and new post flags are showing. Technology is wonderful ...when it works!

I also reported this problem a few weeks ago, but it's still there... The problem occured the first time a week after the site was back on line after the hacker problems...
I hope this can be solved because it's getting a bit irritating...
Anyway, thank you for looking for a solution.

I have had the same problem a time or two, but I find the easyest solution is to log in again, we are just lucky that the site is up and running.
I have been on countless phpbb forums trying to find out how to fix this, the problem is a server problem dependant on where you are. Some people have no problems ever, some people every time. So I am afraid there is no fix. Deleting your cookies as you all know, will absolutely knock you out. Some people have their internet browser set to automatically delete or not accept cookies, and if so, there goes your log-on.

As well, a suggestion is to go to "View posts since last visit" on the right, and save THAT as your favourite to get back to the site. When you open the site, only new posts will show.