Questions and advice on older helmets


Hi Guys,

lately I seem to be infected with the pickelhaube virus. I collect mainly imperial decorations and an occasional low budget pickelhaube/ tschako, but I want to change direction a bit. So I am looking for a nice older pickelhaube. My favorite would be a M1860 helmet or at least a 1870/71 veteran. I know they don’t come cheap so I would like some advice first.

First up is Baden. I have seen helmets without the bandeau and without the exterior nuts on the back spine. Like this one on the forum from James;" onclick=";return false;

What is a ballpark price for such a helmet? Also there are dragoon helmets (silver fittings with gold chinscales) and the Baden bandeau. These are described as 1870/80 models. They do have the characteristics of a M1860, so why are they called 1870/80 models?

This one is at weitze:" onclick=";return false;

It is not cheap but it looks in good condition. Is it reworked? I see the cross on the crown is underneath the cruciform spike base..

In addition there is a Prussian guard helmet at regimentals, described as M1860. It has however both cockades (Reich and Prussian) and a stamp LG 1890. Is this one reissued?

If anyone has a (salty) but complete M1860 for sale or trade you can also PM me.

Thanks in advance,
Did you already have a look at" onclick=";return false; ?


Yes I did. I know dragoons did keep the spline with external split pens. Also the nuts came back in 1871 (Baden did keep these anyway). So how can you tell a Baden dragoons M1860 from a M1871?

Thanks for the warning about the police markings!

Best regards,