Reading Grandfather's War Record - Needing help with German Cursive


New member
Hope everyone had a good holiday and start to the new year.

While visiting family in Michigan this past week I was able to look through my Great-Great-Grandfather's war record booklet. I was able to find he was in the 3 Eskadron KB 5en Chevaulegers-Regiment - Erzherzog Friedrich von Oesterreich.

There was even a fold out page listing every battle he was involved in (which was luckily done on a typewriter).

While I do speak German fluently, the cursive is a pain to read and I was hoping someone could help me with the handwritten sections.

First section of interest is learning which medals he received, which are listed here:


I am able to make sense of about half of them, but the rest are difficult.

Anyone who can help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

I will try it, but unfortunately not sure with all:

B.M.V = Bayrisches Militärverdienstkreuz 3. Klasse mit Schwertern
(9 jährige ?Medalle? (means Medaille? ) Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Inhaber ist berechttigt sämtliche
Karpathenabzeichen zu tragen
nach B.m.?s?.v.3???

I‘m not sure with the words in questionmarks.