
Staff member
Here is the report that I just received from our new tech support company regarding the problems we have been experiencing:
1) Deleting PMs:
This is a known issue with version 3.3.0. The suggested solution is to delete the PM inside the message, not in the folder view. I have tested this way and it does work.

As a quick fix, I have removed the ability for the user to delete a PM from the folder view forcing them to do so in the message itself.

2) Notify posting member via email if comment made on one of their posts

There is a setting to allow this however the individual user must manage this on their own. If the user goes to their user control panel > Board Preferences > Edit posting defaults > they can check the checkbox "Notify me upon replies by default"

I read up on this feature and it sounds like by default its set this way to avoid spamming users. Some of your posts have well over 1000 messages. Could you imagine getting that many emails.

3) Server Capacity

I set the maximum attachment size to 2MB down from 25MB. That should be large enough but also help limit large uploads.

4) Automatic activation of new members who register

This is complete

5) New posts list used to disappear

The functionality may have changed since the most recent update. This page is simply filtering posts from the newest - oldest. Not much we can do here without a major development change.

B Loree: All forum files have been successfully moved from the UK to a local tech company here in Barrie. Obviously, this move and forum upgrade has involved additional costs. I would appreciate some financial help from those members who are able to do so at this at this time. My best to all, Brian
Thank you for your support James. I also had tech up the picture size to 5 MB today as I was having problems posting my photos.