


What do you think about this one ?
Personally, I think this helmet has been monkeyed with...wappen some of the markings added...
Well, I dunno........I.R 71 and 96 shared the same Amy Korps (XI), I think, so there's a link re-issue-wise and the state cockade's the correct colour. For some stupid reason I don't like the actual lettering style of the 'JR. 96' stamp, but I can't put my finger on exactly why I don't like it - could be there's not much 'thick and thin' happening on the numbers. And it's a shame the plate is not scrolled with the 'Furst' bandeau. I'd like to believe that it's genuine, I don't know if a shot with the star off would tell you much?

You need some of the top boy's to comment on this - are you going for it?

Nice condition helmet, whatever.......but I'm not bidding.

I wanted other pictures, close up of the reverse of the eagle.

It seems, there were 4 holes on the cross, and good landwehr eagles for these little states only have 2. Seller wrote me, he could not send more pictures...
Four holes on the cross? Do you mean four 'pins' on the silver cross or 'holes' in the chest of the bird where the impression for the cross is? I don't quite get you? I've seen that before but on a helmet I suspected had been altered and I don't know quite how it should look. I wish someone who's more experienced would chime in on this.

It's amazing that he started this at $1......
JR92 said:
// Seller wrote me, he could not send more pictures//

Could well be legitimate, but no additional photos = I would not risk my money. No more photos usually means the seller does not even have it.

Compare to the one Bruno found a while back, marked also to RJR71.
I'm with Tony, I'd hold off 'cause of the pic's.

But the two holes are for the Reuss wappen aren't they - not the cross? I've seen that before - always two holes for the wappen. But always four holes for the cross?
Yes, the four holes suggests that a Landwehr cross has been originally applied and removed to apply this wappen. I just don't like those markings!
the four holes suggests that a Landwehr cross has been originally applied and removed

And it seems two holes (right and left) have been blocked, but pictures are not good enough.