Rifle diagrams


Well-known member
The coyote will probably love this. Diagram pages from two different versions of Major Menzel's. An 1890 and one from 1914. There are tons of component pages in these books -- I had to learn to identify one from the other -- -- finally. :cry:

It is about time a retired Army Colonel (Maggie says it is spelled Kernel) learned something about firearms, they really are interesting, even though they were disigned to maim and kill, all firearms are very user friendly, just like a mouse on a computer, just point and click.
Hey Joe
I find a pistol is easer to use at the computer, but it is hard on the monitor.
Best wihses

Nice diagrams, what is Major Menzels?

The 88 diagram is the first I have seen with all those part names, very cool!

what is Major Menzels

That really is quite an interesting question. The person in question I think first went to print somewhere in the late 1880s or 1890. His name was Max Menzel. He initially was a premier lieutenant in infantry Regiment number 58. He is associated with a series of volumes all relating to Dienstunterricht. There were several volumes per year at least in some years, other years I think just one. In 1914 version called it Major Menzel's as a title but it was worked on by a lieutenant colonel from the Unteroffiziere Schule. So over time these were worked first by Menzel and eventually just his title went on there sort of like Aunt Jemima is for pancakes.

These handbooks on Dienstunterricht taught everything there was to know in theory in one volume. Obviously there are massive holes and the volumes change significantly between editions but this was the basic handbook purchase privately by or for recruits. Circulation of Major Menzel's was 400,000 by 1914.

There were takeoffs of this book prepared for the different kingdoms worked on by various and sundry officers within the kingdoms. The most common is "Der gute Kamerad " for Bavaria. There is lots of nice information in each of these but it changes a lot.
