Rome Military Museums


Well-known member
I also had a chance to visit the Castel Sant'Angelo while I was in Rome, as well as the Victor Emmanual II Memorial. Some great stuff from the time of the Second War of Italian Unification.

Here is the Castel Sant'Angelo, which was originally built as Hadrian's Mausoleum, and converted into a fortress in the Middle Ages.

A traditional Italian Army hat from the Wars of Independence, along with some various Italian medals.

Vatican spiked helmet!

A "Red Shirt" from the Wars of Unification. The forces of Garibaldi wore the red shirts during the war with the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
Thanks Peter for sharing with us your fine tour! It's a real treat to see your photos. I love the old style museums like these, where there is simply the displays of the artifacts, without the modern interpretations using large signboards w/photos, electronic gadgetry, etc.

I caught myself drooling over the large Kaiser banner in your Venice photos. What a treasure! There's sure some great stuff in these old institutions!

All the Best,

Love the Vatican helmet. Kube had a differant Vatican helmet in his last auction, so for sure differant oens out there!

Thanks for this post Peter. I have taught my students about Italian unification and Garabaldi's Red Shirts for years but have never seen one. I wonder if this inspired Mussolini's Black Shirts ?? I wonder if he was following Italian tradition shirt wise. Of course, there were also the SA Brown Shirts of the Nazis as well. I guess, a shirt is a cheap start to a complete uniform. Brian
I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Unification War Museum was open. I had been in Rome in 1998 and it was closed. There wasn't much going on at the oversized Victor Emmanuelle II Memorial. It really is oversized, and the modern Romans have always sort of hated it, but it is impressive that that it can fit such a nice museum inside.

And to answer your question Brian, yes Mussolini absolutely took a cue from the Red Shirts. The Nazis went along with the name, as they stole a few items from the Italians, including the "Nazi" salute with the stiff arm. This dated to the Roman times, where the arm went across the chest to the heart and out stiff armed. The Nazis took this... but they took a lot of stuff from other cultures, the swaskita being another example. However, I think in the case of the Germans the original SA uniforms were taken from old colonial uniform stock for the Schutztruppe.

There were other "shirts" too. Mosely in the UK also took a cue from Mussolini and called his followers "Blackshirts." The American William Dudely Pelley in the US had "Silver Shirts," in Mexico it was "Golden Shirts," Brazil it was "Green Shirts" and there were quasi-Fascists in Irealand under Eoin O'Duffy who wore "Blueshirts," and Blue was also used by the Canadian National Socialist Party, as well as the Falange in Spain under Franco. And Romania's Iron Guard wore green shirts.

So fear any political movement that tries to buy up cheap shirts!
What about Pickelhaube Shirts, there is a growing faction in the US lead by Col. Joe, do we need to fear us?
Gustaf said:
What about Pickelhaube Shirts, there is a growing faction in the US lead by Col. Joe, do we need to fear us?

What a bunch to be feared. You make just slightly more typos than me...
so you certainly should be the leader. And well, Col. Joe would never be master of propaganda. He has too many grammar errors.

Quote from Joe:
"There are no dumb questions only dumb realities like why Maggie and Janet put up with Gus and I."

I am still cringing from this sentence. Let's see if Brian can explain what's wrong with this sentence, as I count three problems. I might need to go shower again, just reading it gives me hives!
Me too Peter, it should be Gus and me, not Gus and I, but the dumb realities are too true.
That's the big one. There are two other issues with the sentence. Anyone?

Of course this has nothing to do with Roman museums!
To put this to a final end:
"There are no dumb questions only dumb realities like why Maggie and Janet put up with Gus and I."

Yes, Joe should have said "me." The problem is that in America teachers hammer in that you shouldn't use "me" and in most cases they're wrong. He could have chosen the worse "myself." When in doubt never use "myself."

The sentence lacks a coma, but as gus pointed out, Joe is speaking the sentence, and that can cause all sorts of headaches. As a journalist I record interviews and transcribe it by typing rather than using a voice to text software, but in fairness I took typing as a youth (chicks were in typing classes, sweaty guys were in shop) so I can type about 80 words a minute.

The final issue is the grammar. Questions and realities aren't really in agreement. While there could be a reality in which Maggie and Janet put up with Gus and Joe, it isn't a question of why this is true. Is the reality dumb? That's how this reads. And I don't know if a reality an be dumb?

So it should should read: "It is questionable why in this reality Maggie and Janet put up with Gus and Joe." But it fails to make Joe's point.

My head hurts now. After trying for 30 minutes, I simply can't re-write the sentence to make it work structurally and still make Joe's point. Joe is truly the master... so maybe he could be the leader of the Pointy Hats Shirts. It is like the ultimate logic bomb.
Ha ha Peter, I learned olng ago not to question what Joe says, it all makes sense, and better sense after a beer
ps I spotte dat least oen typo in your last post, bu tI am not going to bring it up
Ha ha Peter, I learned olng ago not to question what Joe says, it all makes sense, and better sense after a beer

Sometimes I need several beers and I have switched voice typewriters from the more familiar Dragon speak to the only Macintosh product that exists. This presents some very interesting differences, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and correcting are all different. It would also help if I checked what I said!
Hey Joe,
Keep us updated on the apple thingy, I am getting tired of the old pc garbage, but I suspect by the time I switch, every one will nad then apple will have the viruses, and microsoft will be so small that there will no longer be viruses for it.
PS I am guessint the car made it home, I hope you did not drive through the garage due to lack af brakes:)
I'll never switch to an Apple product. I have not one single Apple product in my home. I'll use a pen and stamp before I'd use a Mac.
I do use a pen and stamp, I also use white out, but it makes it hard to read the monitor.