Saxon Infantry Pickelhaubes


New member
Please find attached images of accumulated Saxon Infantry Pickelhaubes.
The spikes are very high just over 12 cms.
In order of rank they are;

1. Saxon General. These chin scales look curved. Is that right?
Also how would you recognise saxon cavalry units?
2. Saxon Officer Lieb Grenadier Regiment IR 100.
4. Saxon Officer.
5. Saxon Reserve Officer with IR 182R Uberzug. No ribbed rear spine and single ventilation vent.

I like the Saxon Reserve Officer best though.

Any extra information, snippets and comments (positive or negative) gratefully appreciated.

Thanks to Eliza my daughter for loading them up.

Kind regards





Saxon General




Saxon Officer





Saxon Officer Lieb Grenadier Regiment IR 100







Saxon Reserve Officer with IR 182R Uberzug




Holy crap! Do those every look cool liked up. The Saxon Reserve Officer with IR 182, that is an M15 yes? Love the Lieb Grenadier Regiment IR 100. You really should think about changing your user name from "newbie" as you clearly are not. This is something I can do. Congrats on a wonderful selection.
I agree you should change your name! Nice grouping. I would love to explore the Gen.'s helmet as I have never handled one. The one that interests me the most is your RJR 182. Could we see more pictures of that? Especially of the inside and underneath the visors. Interesting helmet that appears to have been converted??! Would love to see the helmet cover also.
Thanks for showing these!
Congratulations, absolutely stunning, those must have cost a fortune!
Speaking of fortune: being a European citizen, it is possible to find now and then something interesting and less expensive in a German or French antiqueshop or at a broquanterie market. How is that in the US? Are helmets more scarce at the other side of the great pool, as they came a long way? It would be interesting to get some insight from you US based experts on this!

best regards


I say prices are pretty similar. Perhaps a little higher in Europe especially for the high-end stuff. I found some pretty cheap stuff at SOS last year and when I floated one of them to Europeans they were very hungry for it. It is just collecting–sometimes you find one–sometimes you get burned. My opinion only.
From a Canadian viewpoint, I would say that the "stuff" is becoming very scarce. Many of the antique shops are gone either for good or replaced by antique malls where a bunch of dealers rent booth space. Probably the result of Ebay. There are many retirees that cruise what shops there are on a regular basis so the chances of finding something good is very limited. I believe there is only one militaria based store left in Toronto. I have not gone to a militaria show in quite awhile. There are 2 held regularly in spring and fall in Totonto and a few gun based shows in smaller centres. Regarding helmets there is a beater Prussian M15 in the Barrie antique mall which has a price tag over over $600 on it and a couple of put together parts helmets at another mall again with big prices. So in my opinion the pickings are very slim here in my part of Canada.
Thanks for your input guys. Just as "Pierre Grande Guerre" I visit the old battlefields a few times a year (he more often then me I assume), and I'm still hoping for that ultimate barnfind somewhere near the Marne..
